ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 94-703

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Ottawa, 29 August 1994
Decision CRTC 94-703
Various locations in Ontario
Addition of WUTV (FOX)
Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 1994-68 dated 10 June 1994, the Commission approves the applications by the licensees of the cable distribution undertakings listed below, for authority to add, at their option, the distribution of WUTV (FOX) Buffalo, New York on a discretionary tier.
Maclean Hunter Cable TV (Ottawa) Ottawa (Part of/Un secteur)
Limited - 940652100
Rogers Cable T.V. Limited Cornwall
- 940653900
Rogers Cable T.V. Limited London
- 940582000
Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitée Ottawa (Part of/Un secteur)
- 940654700
This approval is consistent with the modification to the Commission's policy governing the cable carriage of U.S. network signals announced in Public Notice CRTC 1994-107 of today's date.
The Commission reminds the licensees that, before adding the distribution of this signal, they are first required to ensure that they will have the necessary channel capacity to distribute the services of the the new pay and specialty television undertakings licensed in June 1994.
The Commission acknowledges the interventions in support of and in opposition to these applications submitted by individuals, members of the cable industry and members of the broadcasting industry. The various issues raised in the opposing interventions have been dealt with in Public Notice CRTC 1994-107.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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