ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 94-573

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Ottawa, 11 August 1994
Decision CRTC 94-573
Seacoast Communications Group Incorporated
Kelowna, British Columbia - 930764600
Licence renewal for CKLZ-FM
Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 1994-25 dated 14 March 1994, the Commission renews the broadcasting licence for CKLZ-FM Kelowna, from 1 September 1994 to 31 August 1996, subject to the conditions in effect under the current licence, as well as to those conditions specified in the licence to be issued.
This two-year term will enable the Commission to assess at an early date CKLZ-FM's compliance with the Radio Regulations, 1986 (the regulations).
Subsections 8(5) and 8(6) of the regulations require each licensee to retain, for a period of at least four weeks from the date of broadcast, and furnish to the Commission upon request "a clear and intelligible tape recording or other exact copy of all matter broadcast".
In this regard, the Commission requested the station's logger tapes of the programming broadcast by CKLZ-FM for the week of 3 to 9 May 1992. The licensee explained in submitting the logger tapes that two segments were missing from the tape for 4 May 1992 due to human error and that appropriate steps have been taken to ensure future compliance.
The Commission views with concern the licensee's failure to comply with this regulatory requirement. It intends to monitor the licensee's performance during the new licence term, and directs the licensee to take all necessary measures to ensure that the regulations are adhered to at all times.
As part of this renewal application, the licensee submitted a report detailing the annual five-year benefit expenditures undertaken in the areas of news and public affairs, news programming, and Canadian talent development flowing from the purchase of this station approved in Decision CRTC 88-572. Based on the licensee's report, the Commission is satisfied with the implementation of these benefits.
The Commission reaffirms the particular importance it attaches to the development of Canadian talent and is satisfied with the annual budgets allocated and the initiatives proposed by the licensee in this respect. It encourages the licensee, during the new licence term, to continue its efforts towards the support, development and on-air exposure of local and regional talent.
In Public Notice CRTC 1992-59 dated 1 September 1992 and entitled "Implementation of an Employment Equity Policy", the Commission announced that the employment equity practices of broadcasters would be subject to examination by the Commission. It encourages the licensee to consider employment equity issues in its hiring practices and in all other aspects of its management of human resources.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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