Ottawa, 15 July 1993
Public Notice CRTC 1993-105
In Public Notice CRTC 1993-74 dated 3 June 1993, the Commission proposed to revise the capital expenditures provisions set out in the Cable Television Regulations, 1986, in order to permit the creation of a production fund for Canadian programming (the fund). Beginning 1 January 1995, the Commission estimates that such a fund could generate new funds for Canadian programming of up to approximately $300 million over a 5-year period, if all eligible cable licensees choose to participate.
The Commission considers that the objective of the fund should be to support programs from the under-represented categories, such as drama and children's programming, which should be scheduled at times when the largest number of viewers is available.
This public notice seeks comment from interested parties with regard to the most appropriate policies for program eligibility, access, investment mechanisms and administration.
The Commission requests interested parties to address the following matters and any other relevant issues with respect to the fund. Eligible Programs
* What priority should be given with respect to access to the fund - e.g. continuing dramatic series, family drama, children's programming, documentaries, other?
* What criteria should be used to determine eligibility for funding?
* What policies should be established regarding English-language, French-language, native-language or third-language projects?
* What policies should be established with regard to regional distribution of funds?
* Should the scope of the fund include contributions to institutions involved in education, training and professional development?
Access to the Fund
* What policies should be established regarding access to the fund by licensees, producers or other groups?
* What structure would best reflect appropriate broadcast and production interests as well as the regional, cultural and linguistic diversity of the country?
* What administrative structure would ensure the greatest degree of independence, efficiency and accountability for the fund?
* What types of financing would be most effective in ensuring that the fund's resources support eligible Canadian programs under the fund - e.g. development financing, equity investment, bridge financing, loans or grants? What would be an appropriate ratio of investment in these various activities?
* Should the fund have a minimum or maximum level of investment for individual projects? If so, what should these levels be?
* Should the fund have a policy with respect to recoupment?
* Should a percentage of the fund's annual income be reserved as capital for the purpose of ensuring a future revenue stream? If so, what would be the appropriate percentage?
The Commission invites comment from interested parties on the above issues. Comments should be submitted by 17 September 1993 to the Secretary General, CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N2.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General