ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 93-591

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Ottawa, 8 September 1993
Decision CRTC 93-591
Sorel-O-Vision Inc.
Sorel and surrounding areas, Tracy and surrounding areas, Saint-Joseph-de-Sorel, Sainte-Anne-de-Sorel, Saint-Pierre-de-Sorel, Saint-Robert and Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel, Quebec - 930463500
Change to service area
Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 1993-96 dated 28 June 1993, the Commission considered an application by Sorel-O-Vision Inc. to change the licensed service area for the cable distribution undertakings serving the above-mentioned communities by including an area along "Chemin Rang Nord" and "Chemin Rang Sud" which runs north out of Sainte-Victoire and Chemin Bellevue which runs south out of Bellevue for a total of 225 additional households.
In general, the Commission approves the extension of service areas when an applicant commits to provide service within one year of approval. The applicant has indicated that it is prepared to wire the currently unwired homes along Chemin Rang Nord and Sud and Chemin Bellevue within three years of receiving approval of this application.
The Commission therefore denies the applicant's request to increase its service area.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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