ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 92-590

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Ottawa, 19 August 1992
Decision CRTC 92-590
Vidéotron Ltée
Princeville, Quebec - 920066800
Following a Public Hearing in Quebec City beginning on 19 May 1992, the Commission approves the application for authority to acquire the assets of the cable distribution undertaking serving Princeville from Prince Vidéo Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vidéotron Ltée, and for a broadcasting licence to continue the operation of this undertaking, under the same terms and conditions as the current licence.
The Commission will issue a licence to Vidéotron Ltée, expiring 31 August 1994, upon surrender of the current licence. The operation of this undertaking will be regulated pursuant to Parts I and II of the Cable Television Regulations, 1986 (the regulations). The licence will be subject to the same conditions as those specified in the current licence, as well as to any other condition specified in this decision and in the licence to be issued.
The Commission notes that this application provides for an inter-corporate reorganization which will not alter the effective control of the licensee.
In addition to the services required or authorized to be distributed pursuant to the applicable sections of the regulations, the licensee is authorized, by condition of licence, to distribute, at its option, CFJP-TV Montréal, received via satellite, CFCF-TV, CFTM-TV and CBMT Montréal, received via microwave, as well as WXYZ-TV (ABC), WTVS (PBS), WDIV (NBC) and WJBK-TV (CBS) Detroit, Michigan, received via satellite from the CANCOM network, as part of the basic service.
Pursuant to section 12 of the regulations, by condition of licence, the licensee is relieved of the requirement that it distribute the signal of CKTM-TV Trois-Rivières on an unrestricted channel. Should the quality of the signal deteriorate significantly, the licensee will be expected to undertake immediate corrective action including, if necessary, the distribution of the service on another channel.
Further, the licensee is relieved, by condition of licence, of the requirement of paragraph 9(1)(f) of the regulations to distribute, as part of its basic service and on the basic band if channels are available, the programming service of an English-language television station owned and operated by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and distributed via satellite or microwave relay. The licensee intends to distribute the extra-regional signal of CBMT Montréal, received over the air, which will offer the services of the CBC's English-language television network.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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