ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 92-567

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Ottawa, 13 August 1992
Decision CRTC 92-567
Le Réseau de télévision TVA Inc.
Montréal, Quebec - 912418100
Following a public hearing in Montréal and Quebec City beginning on 23 March 1992, the Commission approves the application for authority to transfer 75% of the outstanding voting shares of Le Réseau de télévision TVA Inc. from three present shareholders, each holding 25% (Radio Nord Inc., Télé-Inter Rives Ltée and Télévision de la Baie des Chaleurs Inc.), to Télé-Métropole Inc.
The Commission notes that, following this relatively minor transaction ($3,000), Télé-Métropole Inc. (Télé-Métropole) will hold all outstanding shares in the TVA network. The licensee stated at the hearing that the purpose of this application is to update the current administrative and legal operating structure of the TVA network, whose flagship station is CFTM-TV Montréal.
In Decision CRTC 90-631 approving the transfer of control of the stations of Pathonic Network Inc. (now TM Multi-Régions Inc.) to Télé-Métropole, the Commission noted that CFTM-TV programming accounted for between 74% and 90% of the broadcast schedule of the other stations in the TVA network and that the applicant had complete control over the schedule, except for local programming time. The Commission also noted that the proportion of revenues earned by stations controlled by Télé-Métropole within the TVA network would rise to over 90% as a result of the approval in question. In this regard, Télé-Métropole stated at the hearing in March 1992 that it has since assumed responsibility for more than 87% of the expenses of the TVA network.
The Commission also notes the licensee's statement at the hearing that it plans to ensure that TVA network affiliates are truly regional stations fully capable of meeting their responsibilities at the local level. The Commission also notes the licensee's commitment to introduce a block of public affairs programs to the network's broadcast schedule, accounting for 104 hours per year.
Having considered all of the above, the Commission has determined that approval of this application is in the public interest and will facilitate the licensee's compliance with the policy respecting television networks (Public Notice CRTC 1989-2).
The Commission acknowledges the interventions filed in relation to this application.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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