1. The issue of awarding costs to a municipality was addressed in both In re: NorthwesTelInc., General Increase in Rates Telecom Decision CRTC
87-3,Telecom Costs Order CRTC
87-3, 11 March 1987, and In re: BellCanada - 1988 Revenue Requirement, Rate Rebalancing and Revenue Settlement Issues -Telecom Decision CRTC
88-4, Telecom Costs Order CRTC
88-7,19 May 1988. In denying applications for costs by municipalities in those proceedings, theCommission stated its view "that a municipality's participation in regulatory matters affecting itscitizens is a recognized function of a municipality and, accordingly, that a portion of its annualbudget may properly be deemed to be appropriated for this participation." In each case theCommission went on to say that in its view "costs should not, in principle, be awarded tomunicipalities."