ARCHIVED -  Telecom Costs Order CRTC 92-2

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Telecom Costs Order

Ottawa, 17 June 1992
Telecom Costs Order CRTC 92-2
In re: AGT Limited (AGT) - Revenue Requirement Proceeding for 1992
Application for costs by the Alberta Consumers Coalition (ACC).
1. The application of ACC for an award of costs in respect of the above-titled proceeding is herebyapproved on the following terms.
2. With respect to ACC's cost of capital witnesses, a majority of the Commission considers thattheir participation warrants only a partial award of costs. This majority was of the view that theevidence presented by these witnesses, as well as their general participation on the matter ofAGT's cost of capital, did not entirely contribute to the better understanding of this issue.Accordingly, it was decided that costs associated with these witnesses should be limited to 75%of their costs.
3. The Commission considers that the application of ACC otherwise meets the requirements ofsection 76 of the National Telecommunications Powers and Procedures Act and thecriteria set out in subsection 44(1) of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules ofProcedure. ACC is accordingly entitled to the costs of its application, save those costsassociated with the cost of capital expert witnesses.
4. Costs awarded herein shall be paid to ACC by AGT.
5. Costs awarded herein shall be subject to taxation in accordance with the CRTCTelecommunications Rules of Procedure.
6. Costs awarded herein shall be taxed by Sylvie Courtemanche.
7. ACC shall, within 30 days of the issue of this order, submit a bill of costs and an affidavit ofdisbursements to the Taxing Officer, serving a copy on AGT.
8. AGT may, within two weeks of receipt of those documents, file comments with the Taxing Officerwith respect to the costs claimed, serving a copy on ACC.
9. ACC may, within two weeks of receiving comments from the company, file its reply, serving acopy on AGT.
Allan J. DarlingSecretary General
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