Ottawa, 11 February 1991
Telecom Costs Order CRTC 91-3
In re: Maritime Telegraph and Telephone Company Limited - Revenue Requirement for 1990 and 1991
Application for costs by Novix Inc., Atlantic Paging Services Inc. and Novix Communications Inc. (Novix et al).
1. The application of Novix et al for an award of costs in respect of the above titled proceeding ishereby denied.
2. The Commission has considered the intervention of Novix et al in light of one of the basicprinciples that has guided it in making cost awards and which was set out in CRTCProcedures and Practices in Telecommunications Regulation, Telecom Decision CRTC78-4, 23 May 1978, namely that, in order to meet the objective ofinformed participation in public hearings, costs awards are to be made available to responsibleinterveners who lack sufficient funds to properly prosecute their cases, particularly where suchinterveners represent the interests of a substantial number or class of subscribers.
3. Consistent with its determination in In re: British Columbia Telephone Company, GeneralIncrease in Rates, Telecom Decision CRTC 83-8, 22 June 1983,Telecom Costs Order CRTC 83-4, the Commission has decided that itis not appropriate to award costs to Novix et al in this case because, in the Commission's view,as a commercial enterprise engaged in the communications industry, Novix et al has sufficientincentive to participate in revenue requirement proceedings such as this one.
Allan J. DarlingSecretary General