ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 91-853

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Ottawa, 25 November 1991
Decision CRTC 91-853
Country Broadcasting Corp.
Galiano and Mayne Islands, British Columbia - 910202100
Following a Public Hearing in the National Capital Region beginning on 8 July 1991, the Commission approves the application by Country Broadcasting Corp. for a licence to carry on a cable distribution undertaking to serve Galiano and Mayne Islands and will issue a Class 2 (fewer than 2,000 subscribers) licence expiring 31 August 1994. This term will enable the Commission to review the operations of this undertaking at an appropriate time.
The operation of this undertaking will be regulated pursuant to Parts I and II of the Cable Television Regulations, 1986 (the regulations) and the licence will be subject to the conditions specified in this decision and in the licence to be issued.
The applicant proposes to carry the non-Canadian satellite services of The Nashville Network and The Arts and Entertainment Network on a non-discretionary basis. Based on the evidence available to it, the Commission is not convinced that a departure from its policy is justified in this case and denies such distribution. In accordance with section 10 of the regulations, however, the applicant may distribute these services on a discretionary basis.
The licensee is relieved, by condition of licence, of the requirement of section 12 of the regulations that it distribute the signals of CBUT and CHAN-TV Vancouver and CHEK-TV Victoria on unrestricted channels. Should the quality of the signals deteriorate significantly, the Commission expects the licensee to undertake immediate corrective action including, if necessary, the distribution of the services on other channels.
The Commission notes that the applicant proposes to charge a basic monthly fee of $24.95.
Consistent with the Commission's new community channel policy announced in Public Notice CRTC 1991-59, the Commission expects the licensee, as a minimum, to provide its subscribers with a local alphanumeric service.
It is a condition of this licence that construction of this undertaking be completed and that it be in operation within twelve months of the date of this decision or, where the applicant applies to the Commission within this period and satisfies the Commission that it cannot complete implementation before the expiry of this period and that an extension is in the public interest, within such further period of time as is approved in writing by the Commission. The Commission acknowledges the intervention received from Westcom TV Group Ltd., opposed to the carriage of CHAN-TV and CHEK-TV on restricted channels, and is satisfied with the applicant's reply to the concerns raised.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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