ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 91-838

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Ottawa, 18 November 1991
Decision CRTC 91-838
Global Communications Limited
Paris, Midland, Peterborough, Owen Sound and Toronto, Ontario - 911313500 - 911314300
Following a Public Hearing in the National Capital Region beginning on 5 November 1991, the Commission approves the application by Global Communications Limited (Global) to amend the broadcasting licence for CIII-TV Paris, by deleting the condition of approval imposed in Decision CRTC 86-1087 requiring use of terrestrial microwave to feed CIII-TV-7 Midland, CIII-TV-27 Peterborough and CIII-TV-4 Owen Sound.
Decision CRTC 86-1087 approved the establishment of new television transmitters at Midland, Peterborough and Owen Sound, conditional upon Global making use of terrestrial technology such as microwave links for delivery of its signal. The Commission's conditional approval was due to its concern that satellite distribution could potentially make the Global signal available "outside of the region of southern Ontario which it is licensed to serve".
In approving the present request to remove the condition of approval contained in Decision CRTC 86-1087, the Commission has taken into account Global's willingness to accept a condition of licence requiring it to use an encrypted satellite signal, thereby preventing unauthorized reception.
Accordingly, it is a condition of licence that Global be permitted to use satellite technology to deliver its signal or its programming only to its existing television transmitters in southern Ontario and to other Canadian television stations that hold rights to Global programming, provided that the signal is delivered in an encrypted form.
The Commission also approves Global's application to amend the broadcasting licence for CIII-TV-41 Toronto, by decreasing the effective radiated power from 1,475,000 watts to 732,000 watts.
Global advised the Commission that it has been unable to operate CIII-TV-41 at the full power approved in Decision CRTC 86-1087 because of restricted antenna space on the CN Tower.
The Commission notes the Department of Communications has indicated that the proposed power reduction is technically acceptable. Further, the Commission notes that the reduction will result in only a small decrease in CIII-TV-41's Grade A and Grade B service areas.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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