Ottawa, 13 May 1991
Decision CRTC 91-292
Country Broadcasting Corp.
Black Creek, Denman Island, Hornby Island and Quadra Island, British Columbia - 902864800
Following a Public Hearing in Vancouver beginning on 12 February 1991, the Commission renews the licence for the broadcasting receiving undertaking serving the communities noted above, held by Country Broadcasting Corp. (Country), from 1 September 1991 to 31 August 1996. The operation of this undertaking is regulated pursuant to Parts I and III of the Cable Television Regulations, 1986 (the regulations) and the licence will be subject to the conditions specified in this decision and in the licence to be issued.
In addition to the services required or authorized to be distributed pursuant to the applicable sections of the regulations, the licensee is authorized to continue to distribute, at its option, KOMO-TV (ABC) KING-TV (NBC), KIRO-TV (CBS), KCTS-TV (PBS) Seattle, KSTW-TV (IND) and KCPQ-TV (IND) Tacoma, Washington, received via microwave from a head end located at Saltspring Island, so long as these remain the only non-Canadian television signals distributed on the undertaking.
Further, consistent with Decision CRTC 90-1115 dated 20 November 1990, Country is relieved by condition of licence of the requirement of section 23 of the regulations, that it distribute at least four television programming services delivered to its local head end by a network operator licensed to extend television and radio services to remote and underserved communities, at least one of which must be a Canadian television programming service, so long as it continues to distribute the aforementioned services.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General