Ottawa, 11 February 1991
Telecom Costs Order CRTC 91-2
In re: Maritime Telegraph and Telephone Company Limited - Revenue Requirement for 1990 and 1991
Application for costs by Rural Dignity of Canada (Nova Scotia Chapter), Canadian Pensioners Concerned, Nova Scotian League for Equal Opportunities and People on Welfare for Equal Rights (Rural Dignity et al).
1. The application of Rural Dignity et al for an award of costs in respect of the above titledproceeding is hereby approved on the following terms.
2. As stated in Telecom Decision CRTC 90-30, the Commission is of theview that the record of this proceeding provided no support for Rural Dignity et al's submissionsregarding the recovery of expenditures for switching equipment modernization (SEM), includingthe evidence of Rural Dignity et al's expert witness, Mr. John D. Todd. Accordingly, theCommission has concluded that Rural Dignity et al did not contribute to a better understandingof this issue and denies Rural Dignity et al's application for any costs associated with this issue.
3. The Commission considers that the application of Rural Dignity et al otherwise meets therequirements of section 76 of the National Telecommunications Powers and ProceduresAct and the criteria set out in subsection 44(1) of the CRTC TelecommunicationsRules of Procedure and that Rural Dignity et al is accordingly entitled to the costs of itsapplication, save those costs associated with SEM issues.
4. Costs awarded herein shall be paid to Rural Dignity et al by Maritime Telegraph and TelephoneCompany (MT&T).
5. Costs awarded herein shall be subject to taxation in accordance with the CRTCTelecommunications Rules of Procedure.
6. Costs awarded herein shall be taxed by Lorne Abugov.
7. Rural Dignity et al shall, within thirty days of the issue of this order, submit a bill of costs and anaffidavit of disbursements to the Taxing Officer, serving a copy on MT&T.
8. MT&T may, within two weeks of receipt of those documents, file comments with the TaxingOfficer with respect to the costs claimed, serving a copy on Rural Dignity et al.
9. Rural Dignity et al may, within two weeks of receiving comments from the company, file its reply,serving a copy on MT&T.
Allan J. DarlingSecretary General