ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 90-621

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Ottawa, 29 June 1990
Decision CRTC 90-621
Lindsay CATV System Limited
Lindsay, Ontario - 890885700
Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 1990-49 dated 3 May 1990, the Commission approves the application by Lindsay CATV System Limited to amend the licence for the broadcasting receiving undertaking serving Lindsay by adding a condition of licence relieving the licensee of the requirement of paragraph 9(1)(c) of the Cable Television Regulations, 1986 that it distribute the local television stations CICO-TV-74 (TVO) and CIII-TV-27 (Global) Peterborough. The licensee proposes to distribute instead the extra-regional signal of CICA-TV (TVO) and the regional signal of CIII-TV-41 (Global) Toronto.
In assessing this proposal, the Commission has taken into consideration the fact that the Department of Communications has confirmed that the Toronto signals are more reliable and that their quality is the same as or better than that of the Peterborough signals.
Alain-F. Desfossés
Secretary General

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