ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 89-831

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Ottawa, 8 November 1989
Decision CRTC 89-831
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Ontario Region - 890810500
Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 1989-114 dated 11 October 1989, the Commission approves the application by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, licensee of a national English-language news and information specialty service (Newsworld), to amend existing condition of licence number 11 with respect to the Corporation's annual audit report.
Accordingly, condition number 11 now reads:
The licensee shall file with the Commission by 30 June of each fiscal year the results of an audit carried out by an independent outside auditor for the fiscal year or part thereof ending the preceeding 31 March, certifying that the news and information service is recovering fully the incremental costs incurred as a result of provision of the service and that funds paid to the Corporation out of Parliamentary appropriations are not being spent for the purpose of recovering these incremental costs.
The audit report shall also certify that appropriate accounts have been maintained in respect of advertising revenue earned by the news and information service and that advertising revenue derived from joint sales by the news and information service and the existing radio and television services of the Corporation have been allocated between the news and information service and existing CBC services.
The licensee shall also file with the Commission unaudited financial statements for each twelve-month period ending 31 August. CBC management shall certify that these financial statements have been reviewed in accordance with section 8200 of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants handbook.
In assessing this request, the Commission has noted that the CBC is obligated by statute to have a 31 March audited review by the Office of the Auditor General. A second audited report on a 31 August year end would require that the Corporation close its books twice annually and that it completely re-determine and re-audit revenues, expenditures, assets and liabilities twice yearly. This additional audit would have further strained CBC's resources and have created unwarranted incremental costs for the Corporation.
The Commission acknowledges the intervention from TVOntario in support of this application.
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General

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