ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 89-707

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Ottawa, 18 September 1989
Decision CRTC 89-707
Saint-Hyacinthe, La Présentation, Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin, Sainte-Madeleine, Saint-Damase, Saint-Pie, La Providence, Saint-Joseph, Sainte-Rosalie, Saint-Dominique, Saint-Barnabé-Sud, Saint-Simon-de-Bagot, Saint-Liboire and Upton, Quebec - 882945900
Following a Public Hearing in Quebec City on 13 March 1989, the Commission renews the Class 1 licence for the broadcasting receiving undertaking serving the communities noted above, held by Câblestrie Inc., from 1 October 1989 to 31 August 1994. The operation of this undertaking is regulated pursuant to Parts I and II of the Cable Television Regulations, 1986 (the regulations) and the licence will be subject to the conditions specified in this decision and in the licence to be issued.
Pursuant to section 12 of the regulations, by condition of licence, the licensee is relieved of the obligation to distribute the programs of CBFT, CFTM-TV and CFCF-TV Montreal, CHLT-TV and CKSH-TV Sherbrooke on unrestricted channels. Should the quality of the signals deteriorate significantly, the licensee will be expected to undertake immediate corrective action, such as moving the services other channels.
The Commission approves, by condition of licence, the licensee's request to be relieved from the requirement of paragraph 16(2)(b) of the regulations, that it distribute local service CKUT-FM Montreal, in view of the poor reception quality of this signal.
In Decision CRTC 87-873, which approved the transfer of the effective control of this undertaking to Cogéco Télécom Inc., the Commission noted commitments to carry out several initiatives relating to the provision of service to unserved areas within its authorized service area, customer service and the addition of some radio services. The purchaser also committed to improve its community programming by increasing the number of hours and by appointing a community television coordinator and purchasing a news van. The licensee has since advised the Commission that these commitments have been carried out.
The Commission reaffirms the particular importance it attaches to the development of community programming and has taken note of the annual budgets which will be allocated for this purpose during the new licence term. The Commission encourages the licensee to continue its efforts to develop community programs that reflect subscriber interests and concerns.
The Department of Communications has advised the Commission that it is prepared to renew the Technical Construction and Operating Certificate for a period of two years only, expiring 30 September 1991. With respect to the operation of this undertaking beyond this period, the Commission draws the licensee's attention to paragraph 13(1)b) of the Broadcasting Act pertaining to the technical certification of broadcasting undertakings and to subsection 13(2) which provides that any broadcasting licence issued, amended or renewed in contravention of section 13 is of no force or effect.
Fernand Bélisle Secretary General

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