ARCHIVED -  Telecom Public Notice CRTC 1988-39

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Telecom Public Notice

Ottawa, 19 August 1988
Telecom Public Notice CRTC 1988-39
The Commission announces that it will review the construction program (CPR) of British Columbia Telephone Company (B.C. Tel). This review will be conducted in accordance with the procedure established in CRTC Telecom Public Notice 1982-24, dated 10 May 1982.
Having considered the record of the 1987 review, the Commission has determined that a preliminary meeting for the 1988 CPR is not required. Follow-up items from the 1987 review will be discussed during the review meeting itself.
The following schedule has been established for the 1988 review:
1) Any person wishing to participate should file a notice of intention to participate with the Commission, and serve a copy on B.C. Tel, on or before 3 October 1988. The notice should indicate the names of those who will be in attendance at the review meeting.
2) The company must file the 1988 View of its construction program with the Commission, and serve a copy on all parties who have filed a notice of intention to participate (interested parties), on or before 21 October 1988.
3) Interrogatories addressed by interested parties to B.C. Tel must be filed with the Commission and served on the company on or before 18 November 1988.
4) The company's written responses to these interrogatories must be filed with the Commission and served on all interested parties by 16 December 1988
5) Requests by interested parties for further responses to their interrogatories, specifying in each case why a further response is both relevant and necessary, and requests for public disclosure of information for which confidentiality has been claimed, setting out the reasons for disclosure, must be filed with the Commission and served on the company by 6 January 1989.
6) The company's written responses to requests for further responses to interrogatories and requests for public disclosure of information must be filed with the Commission and served on all interested parties by 18 January 1989.
7) All documents are to be received by the dates specified, not merely mailed by those dates.
8) The review meeting will commence on 24 January 1989 at 9:30 a.m. in Best Western O'Doul's Hotel, 1300 Robson Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
The company is requested to provide the following information as part of or with the 1988 View of its construction program:
1) a 1988 View over 1987 View comparison of the company's forecasted construction expenditures by usage categories, identifying the amounts of change between Views attributable to:
a) inflation,
b) accounting changes,
c) volume, and
d) other:
(This View over View information is to be provided by year, for the years common to both Views.)
2) a year over year comparison of the company's 1988 View of its construction program by usage categories, identifying the changes in such expenditures attributable to:
a) inflation,
b) accounting changes,
c) volume, and
d) other;
3) A comparison of the actual expenditures of the company in 1987 and the expenditures forecasted by the company in its budget View of that year, by usage categories, identifying the variances in such expenditures attributable to:
a) inflation,
b) accounting changes,
c) volume, and
d) other;
4) updates to the company's Capital Plan Planning and Methods (25 September 1987, Revision) and Planning Guidelines documents, as applicable;
5) the reasons, including any economic evaluations conducted, for each new program;
6) the reasons, including any economic or quality of service evaluations conducted, for the deletion of any programs from the 1987 View;
7) the actual and forecast improvements in efficiency and quality of service for all programs which are proposed to provide such improvements and which are expected to cost over $1 million;
8) the actual utilization for subscriber outside plant, local switching equipment, trunk facilities and toll switching equipment for the year 1987, plus the predicted utilization for the years 1988 to 1990 inclusive; and
9) an up-to-date version of the company's list of central offices, indicating switching equipment and office types and also planned conversion dates where applicable.
The addresses to be used in connection with this review are:
Mr. Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N2
Suite 1500
800 Burrard Street
P.O. Box 1580
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6Z 2G7
Ms. D.E. Byrne
Director Revenue Requirements
British Columbia Telephone Company
3777 Kingsway Burnaby,
British Columbia
V5H 3Z7
Any person wishing to obtain additional information regarding the B.C. Tel - 1988 Construction Program Review may contact Mr. David Robinson of the Commission staff at (819) 997-4604.
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General

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