Telecom Public Notice
Ottawa, 28 July 1988
Telecom Public Notice CRTC 1988-35
Paradyne Canada Ltd. - Revised Procedure Regarding the Application for Unbundling of Rates for Dataroute Terminal Equipment
In CRTC Telecom Public Notice 1988-28 dated 27 June 1988 (Public Notice 1988-28), the Commission invited interested persons to comment on an application from Paradyne Canada Ltd. (Paradyne) for an order directing Bell Canada (Bell) to unbundle the rates for Dataroute Access Arrangements in order to permit the attachment of subscriber-provided terminal equipment to the Dataroute service. British Columbia Telephone Company (B.C. Tel) was joined as a party to the proceeding.
On 15 July 1988, Paradyne requested an amendment to the procedure announced in Public Notice 1988-28 to provide for the exchange of interrogatories between Paradyne, and Bell and B.C. Tel (the parties).
Having considered the request, the Commission announces the following revised procedure:
1. Paradyne may address interrogatories to Bell and B.C. Tel, with a copy to the Commission, by 19 August 1988.
2. Bell and B.C. Tel may address interrogatories to Paradyne, with a copy to the Commission, by 19 August 1988.
3. Interested persons wishing to receive copies of responses to interrogatories may do so by advising the parties in writing, with a copy to the Commission, by 26 August 1988.
4. Responses to interrogatories shall be filed with the Commission, and served on the other parties and the interested persons who have requested copies pursuant to paragraph 3, by 9 September 1988.
5. Anyone who wishes to file comments in this proceeding may do so by writing to the Commission and serving a copy on Bell, B.C. Tel and Paradyne, by 30 September 1988.
6. Bell and B.C. Tel may file final arguments, serving a copy on Paradyne, by 21 October 1988.
7. Paradyne may file reply argument by 4 November 1988.
8. All documents are to be received by the dates specified, not merely mailed by those dates.
9. The addresses to be used in the proceeding are:
For Delivery by Mail
Mr. Fernand Bélisle,
Secretary General,
CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario.
K1A 0N2
For Delivery by Hand
Mr. Fernand Bélisle,
Secretary General,
1 Promenade du Portage,
Hull, Québec
For Either Mode of Delivery
Mr. Robert Faw,
Acting President,
Paradyne Canada Ltd.,
Suite 200,
100 York Boulevard,
Richmond Hill, Ontario.
L4B 1J8
Mr. Peter J. Knowlton,
Assistant General Counsel,
Bell Canada,
25 Eddy Street, 4th Floor,
Hull, Québec.
J8X 4B5
Mr. K.D.A. Morrison,
British Columbia Telephone Company,
3777 Kingsway,
Burnaby, British Columbia.
V5H 3Z7
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General