ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 87-773

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Ottawa, 18 September 1987
Decision CRTC 87-773
H.F. Dougall Company, Limited
Thunder Bay, Ontario - 863066700
Following a Public Hearing in Toronto on 28 April 1987, the Commission renews the broadcasting licence for CJSD-FM Thunder Bay from 1 October 1987 to 31 August 1989, subject to the conditions specified in the licence to be issued. This term will enable the Commission to consider the renewal of this licence at the same time as that of other radio stations in the area.
In Decision CRTC 85-516 dated 5 July 1985, the Commission renewed CJSD-FM's licence for a period of two years because of deficiencies in the licensee's performance with respect to certain Promise of Performance commitments. These included short falls in the levels of foreground, mosaic and category 6 (Music-Traditional and Special Interest) programming, a high level of hits and non-compliance with the station's authorized MOR music format.
Accordingly, the Commission indicated that it would undertake a programming analysis during the new licence term to ascertain whether the station was operating in compliance with its Promise of Performance commitments.
The result of a programming analysis conducted by the Commission for 6 August 1986 showed significant improvements in the levels of fore ground and combined foreground/mosaic as well as hits. While this one-day analysis showed slight shortfalls in the Canadian content in category 5 (Music - General), the Commission notes the licensee's response indicating that over the full week, CJSD-FM exceeded the Commission's expectations in this area. The licensee added that, since its last renewal, it has implemented a computerized system to program the music and monitor the daily performance of the station and that it also uses regular air-checks to ensure compliance.
The Commission notes that the licensee has proposed no substantial changes in its new Promise of Performance. It has, nevertheless, proposed to reduce its weekly foreground commitment from 20% to 15% in line with the Commission's revised regulatory requirements for joint licensees, as set out in the Radio Regulations, 1986.
The Commission approves the proposed reduction in the level of foreground programming to 15%. However, the Commission reminds the licensee that, as stated in Public Notice CRTC 1986-248 dated 19 September 1986, "it choosing to reduce the number of hours of foreground format programming will in crease concomitantly the quality of the foreground programs they schedule".
The Commission also notes the licensee's proposal to broadcast 8 hours per week of Music-Traditional and Special Interest (category 6) and it reminds the licensee that this commitment should exclude verbal production and commercial material, and expects the licensee to consider scheduling such programming on more than one day per week.
With respect to the development of Canadian talent, an annual budget of $5,000 has been allocated for various activities including financial contributions to FACTOR/CTL and the monitoring of new Canadian artists' releases which will be promoted on-air approximately five times a year. In addition, $2,500 will be allocated for the broadcast of "Battle of the Bands" featuring local talent. The station will continue to feature ethnic programming, updates of performances and cultural events in Thunder Bay. The Commission has noted these commitments and encourages the licensee to continue its efforts with respect to the promotion and on-air exposure of local and Canadian talent during the new licence term.
It is a condition of licence that the licensee adhere to the CAB self-regulatory guidelines on sex-role stereotyping, as amended from time to time and accepted by the Commission.
Fernand Bélisle Secretary General

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