ARCHIVED -  Public Notice CRTC 1987-45

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Public Notice

Ottawa, 11 February 1987
Public Notice CRTC 1987-45
Extension of Deadlines in respect of Public Notice CRTC 1986-351 "Policy on Sex-Role Stereotyping in the Broadcast Media" and Public Notice CRTC 1987-9 "Guidelines for Developing Industry Standards"
In Public Notice CRTC 1986-351, entitled "Policy on Sex-Role Stereotyping in the Broadcast Media", the Commission announced a number of expectations and recommendations to various parties concerned; among others, these included the expectation that:
° The Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB) take immediate steps to review the present guidelines in consultation with public representatives selected by the CAB and knowledgeable of issues relating to sex-role stereotyping and that the revised guidelines be submitted to the CRTC for acceptance by 1 April 1987.
° The Canadian Advertising Foundadation (CAF) review its guidelines to ensure that they are as clear as possible and that additions be made where necessary. The revised guidelines, to be submitted to the CRTC for acceptance prior to their adoption, could deal with such topics as sexuality, sexualization of children and violence, and be completed by 1 April 1987.
Without in any other way modifying the expectations and recommendations contained in Public Notice CRTC 1986-351, in response to requests from the CAB and CAF, the Commission hereby extends the above-mentioned deadlines from 1 April 1987 to 31 May 1987.
Furthermore, in Public Notice CRTC 1987-9 entitled "Guidelines for Developing Industry Standards", the Commission invited written comments on six proposed guidelines for developing industry standards designed to assist in the development of a consistent approach to the criteria required to ensure successful broadcast industry self-regulation. To increase the involvement of the broadcasting industry and the public in the development of appropriate industry standards, the Commission invited written comments on the proposed guidelines no later than 12 February 1987.
At the request of the CAB, the Commission hereby extends the above-mentioned deadline from 12 February 1987 to 30 April 1987.
Fernand Bélisle Secretary General

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