Ottawa, 6 November 1987
Decision CRTC 87-878
Short-term Renewal of Licences for Television Stations across Canada and Requirements for Canadian Content Plans and Priorities
The Commission hereby renews the broadcasting licences issued to the television stations listed in the Appendix to this decision until 31 August 1989, subject to the conditions of the current licences.
In CRTC Notice of Public Hearing 1987-73, the Commission delayed consideration of the majority of the television station licence renewal applications planned for the Fall of 1987 by one year. The Commission announced this delay as a result of negotiations potentially involving a major restructuring of the CTV network. Since the Commission had intended to review the performance and plans of the majority of television stations on a market-by-market basis, it was considered appropriate to delay consideration of the renewal applications of television licensees other than CTV affiliates, as well as those affiliated with CTV.
In order to provide the public and the Commission with more information concerning the quality and diversity of the service that Canadians expect regarding the broadcasting of Canadian television programs over the next two years, the Commission requires the following from all originating television stations listed in the Appendix to this decision:
1. Canadian programming plans and priorities for each of the reporting years 1987-88 and 1988-89, including an indication of the total number of hours of Canadian programs, and the total number of hours of local production, first play and subsequent plays, by program category (as per Schedule A of Part II of the Promise of Performance of the Commission's Application Form to Renew a Television Station Licence) to be broadcast each week;
2. program schedules indicating local programs, other Canadian programs, and non-Canadian programs to be broadcast in each of the years 1987-88 and 1988-89 (preliminary schedule only for 1988-89);
3. a specific commitment regarding total expenditures on Canadian programs to be broadcast in each of the years 1987-88 and 1988-89, with respect to the following program categories:
a) Information
b) Sports
c) Music & Entertainment, including Drama
d) Total (All Categories);
4. a specific commitment regarding total expenditures on local programs to be broadcast in each of the years 1987-88 and 1988-89, with respect to the program categories identified above;
5. plans concerning any contribution to the local community, including local public affairs and documentary programs, music and entertainment programs designed to exhibit local talent, and, depending upon the size of the market, local drama, as well as the sale of such programs to other broadcasters;
6. a forecast of total expenditures on all non-Canadian programs to be broadcast in each of the years 1987-88 and 1988-89.
The information provided in answer to items 3, 4 and 6 above should be calculated on the same basis as the information usually provided under the heading 'Program Expenses' in the Annual Return of Broadcasting Transmitting Licensees.
In order to provide an indication of progress already achieved, licensees should provide comparable information to that requested in items 1, 3, 4 and 6, for the two years 1982-83 and 1986-87, in a format identical to that above.
The Commission requires the above information no later than 8 January 1988. The information will be examined by the Commission and placed on the public examination file of each licensee. Licensees are requested to keep a copy of the above information at their place of business for public examination during normal working hours for a period of six months beginning 8 January 1988.
The Commission will announce, at a later date, the schedule of television licence renewal hearings planned for the Autumn of 1988.
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General
CBOT Ottawa, Ont.
CBOT-1 Foymount, Ont.
CBOT-2 Barry's Bay, Ont.
CBOT-3 Whitney, Ont.
CBOT-4 Maynooth, Ont.
CBOT-5 McArthur's Mills, Ont.
CBOFT Ottawa, Ont.
CBOFT-1 Chapeau, Que.
CBOFT-2 Rapides-des-Joachims, Que.
CBOFT-3 Notre-Dame-du-Laus, Que.
CBWAT Kenora, Ont.
CBWCT Fort Frances, Ont.
CBWCT-1 Atikokan, Ont.
CBWDT Dryden, Ont.
CBWDT-1 Sioux Lookout, Ont.
CBWDT-2 Ignace, Ont.
CBWDT-3 Savant Lake, Ont.
CBWDT-4 Osnaburgh, Ont.
CBWDT-5 Pickle Lake, Ont.
CBWDT-6 Pikangikum, Ont.
CBWDT-7 Sandy Lake, Ont.
CBWET Red Lake, Ont.
CBWFT-11 Fort Frances, Ont.
CBWJT Ear Falls, Ont.
CBWT-1 Big Trout Lake, Ont.
CBWFT-7 Kenora, Ont.
CBWFT-9 Dryden, Ont.
CBWFT-10 Brandon, Ont.
CFCL-TV Timmins, Ont.
CFCL-TV-2 Kearns, Ont.
CFCL-TV-3 Kapuskasing, Ont.
CFCL-TV-4 Hearst, Ont.
CFTO-TV Toronto, Ont.
CKCY-TV Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.
CHFD-TV Thunder Bay, Ont.
CHNB-TV North Bay, Ont.