ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 87-280

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Ottawa, 31 March 1987
Decision CRTC 87-280
Trillium Cable Communications Limited, Chatham, Ontario - 870101300
Cablenet Limited, Burlington and Oakville, Ontario - 870074200Orangeville Cable-Vu Limited, Orangeville, Ontario - 870017100Adelaide Radio & T.V. Ltd., St. Mary's, Ontario - 870111200Cablecasting Limited, St. Thomas, Ontario - 870104700
Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 1987-38 dated 9 February 1987, the Commission approves, by condition of licence, the requests by the licensees noted above to be relieved from the requirement of section 9 of the Cable Television Regulations, 1986 which makes it a priority to distribute the French-language educational television programming service operated by TVOntario ("La Chaîne française") on the basic band (channels 2 to 13).
With respect to these particular communities, the Commission notes that TVOntario has not objected to the carriage of its programming service on a channel that is not part of the basic band, so long as it is distributed as part of the basic service.

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