Telecom Public Notice
Ottawa, 2 May 1986
Telecom Public Notice CRTC 1986-32
Pre-Hearing Conference
In connection with the revenue requirement proceeding for which Bell Canada (Bell) filed its Memoranda of Support on 24 February 1986, the Commission will hold a pre-hearing conference commencing Tuesday, 27 May 1986, at 9:30 a.m. in the Conference Centre, Phase IV, Place du Portage, 140 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec.
The first part of the conference will deal with interrogatories addressed to Bell which have not been answered to the satisfaction of interveners. Requests by interveners for further responses to their interrogatories, accompanied by reasons why each further response is both relevant and necessary, must be received by the Commission and by Bell by Tuesday, 20 May 1986. The Commission intends to distribute by Friday, 23 May 1986, a list of the deficiencies identified by this process with respect to which the Commission wishes to hear oral argument at the conference before determining whether further responses are necessary. At the conference, Bell will have an opportunity to state its position on each of the interrogatories so specified, after which interveners will be afforded the opportunity to reply.
The second part of the conference will deal with issues of confidentiality. Requests by interveners for public disclosure of information for which confidentiality has been claimed, setting out the reasons for disclosure, must be received by the Commission and by Bell by Tuesday, 20 May 1986. The Commission intends to distribute by Friday, 23 May 1986, a list of interrogatories which have resulted in claims of confidentiality and requests for public disclosure, and on which the Commission wishes to hear oral argument at the conference before determining whether the responses should remain confidential. At the conference, Bell will have an opportunity to state its position on each of the interrogatories so specified, after which interveners will be afforded the opportunity to reply.
The third part of the conference will deal with the organization and conduct of the central hearing, which is tentatively scheduled to commence at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, 2 June 1986, in the Conference Centre, Phase IV, Place du Portage, 140 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Quebec.
Regional Hearings
The Commission has received in this proceeding less than one-tenth of the number of interventions received during the most recent general rate increase proceeding which took place during 1981.
Of the persons who responded to the Notice to Subscribers, few expressed an interest in appearing at a regional hearing to expand on their letters or make further submissions. These persons were not concentrated in one specific locality, but rather were spread across the operating territory of the company. Accordingly, the Commission has decided not to conduct regional hearings in this proceeding.
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General