ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 86-979

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Ottawa, 30 September 1986
Decision CRTC 86-979
Pathonic Communications Inc.
Sherbrooke and Trois-Rivières, Quebec - 860955400 - 860956200
Following a Public Hearing in Sainte-Foy, Quebec on 16 June 1986, the Commission approves the applications to amend the broadcasting licences for CHLT-TV Sherbrooke and CHEM-TV Trois-Rivières by affiliating these stations with the network operation carried on by Télé-Capitale Inc. (the Réseau Pathonic).
In Decision CRTC 86-976 of today's date, the Commission approved the application for the operation of a French-language television network, the Réseau Pathonic.
The Commission notes that these applications also include a proposal to modify the stations' Promises of Performance by eliminating the combined production of 22 hours 30 minutes per week of local programming which was authorized in Decision CRTC 85-633 dated 1 August 1985. The licensee proposes to maintain as a minimum, 13 hours of local production at CHLT-TV and 5 hours at CHEM-TV. The Commission approves this proposal but requires the licensee to submit immediately a new Promise of Performance for each station. Once these minimum levels of 13 hours and 5 hours have been met, the licensee may add co-productions which qualify as local programming in accordance with the provisions of Public Notice CRTC 1985-58 dated 20 March 1985. The Commission also expects that the licensee will maintain the budgetary allocations for local program content that were set out in its 1985 renewal applications.
The Commission has noted the intervention presented jointly by the Association des réalisateurs de Télé-Capitale Inc., the Canadian Union of Public Employees, the Syndicat des réalisateurs de Télé-7 Sherbrooke, the National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians, the Comité pour la promotion et la défense de la télévision régionale and the Fédération professionnelle des réalisateurs de télévision et de cinéma. In general, the interveners expressed concern about any reduction in the quantity and quality of local and regional programs broadcast by the licensee. This matter has been discussed in Decision CRTC 86-976 of today's date, which approves an application by TéléCapitale for a licence to operate a French-language television network (the Réseau Pathonic), which was considered at the same Public Hearing.
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General

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