ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 86-610

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Ottawa, 26 June 1986
Decision CRTC 86-610
Radio communautaire de l'Est Inc.
Montreal, Quebec - 853143600
Following a Public Hearing in Montreal on 18 March 1986, the Commission renews the broadcasting licence for CIBL-MF Montreal from 1 October 1986 to 30 September 1990, subject to the conditions specified in the licence to be issued.
In accordance with the licensee's proposal and the Commission's policy statement on The Review of Community Radio (Public Notice CRTC 1985-194 dated 26 August 1985), the Commission will issue a special FM licence for community radio, Type B, to this station, which will be operated in the Group IV music format.
A self-assessment of CIBL-MF's programming from 16 to 22 September 1985, indicated that the licensee had complied very closely with its Promise of Performance commitments and had even surpassed some of them. The Commission commends the licensee for the quality performance of CIBL-MF as a genuine community station, not only in terms of ownership and operation but also with respect to programming.
The Commission approves the proposal to reduce the level of news from 6 hours 45 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes per week. In approving this request, the Commission has taken into account the fact that this station serves part of Montreal where there is already an abundance of news sources. The Commission has also taken into account the station's objectives of emphasizing neighbourhood news and of promoting public affairs programs as well as magazine and interview shows.
The Commission has noted the licensee's commitment to broadcast a level of 35% spoken word programming per week as well as a level of 20% foreground programming and 50% combined foreground/mosaic programming. In accordance with its Promise of Performance and its proposed Group IV music format, the licensee will offer highly diversified music programming using all of the subcategories in category 5 (Music-General), including a minimum of 20% Canadian content and 65% French-language vocal music.
The Commission approves the proposal to reduce the minimum amount of commercial-free time for programs produced by groups or members of the community from 18 hours to 5 hours per week. As outlined in Public Notice CRTC 1986-152 accompanying this decision, a community station must be defined particularly in terms of community access. The Commission therefore expects the licensee to devote most of its programming to programs produced by community groups or individuals.
The Commission also approves the proposal to broadcast a daily average of 4 minutes of advertising per hour, with a maximum of 6 minutes per hour, in accordance with the community radio policy for Type B stations.
The Commission acknowledges the written interventions submitted by the Association des radiodiffuseurs communautaires du Québec and the Coopérative d'Habitation Le Dolmen in support of the renewal of this licence. The Commission has also taken into account the concerns expressed at the hearing by the Association canadienne de la radio et de la télévision de langue française inc. with respect to the proposed amendments to the licensee's Promise of Performance.
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General

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