Ottawa, 26 February 1986
Decision CRTC 86-140
Whistler Cable Television Ltd., Whistler, British Columbia - 852742600
Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 1985-254 dated 26 November 1985, the Commission approves the application to change the authorized distribution of the broadcasting receiving undertaking serving Whistler by adding the distribution of the signals of CHCH-TV Hamilton and WTVS (PBS) Detroit, Michigan, received via satellite from the Canadian Satellite Communications Inc. (CANCOM) network.
In approving the addition of CHCH-TV, the Commission has taken into consideration the fact that the licensee was originally authorized to distribute this distant Canadian signal in May 1983 (Decision CRTC 83-350) and subsequently requested and was granted approval for its deletion in July 1984. The Commission is satisfied that the reinstatement of the carriage of CHCH-TV is warranted based on the particular geographic and economic circumstances in Whistler, as outlined in Decision CRTC 83-350.
The Commission also approves an amendment to the licence for this undertaking by increasing the maximum monthly subscriber fee from $18.00 to $19.70. Seventy cents ($0.70) of this increase is justified to cover the costs associated with the addition of the signals of CHCH-TV and WTVS authorized herein and, accordingly, this portion of the fee increase may only be charged to subscribers, on a pro rata basis, at such time as these signals are provided to them.
The Commission is satisfied that the remaining $1.00 increase in the monthly fee is fully justified on economic grounds based on the fact that the systems is not yet profitable and to enable the licensee to continue to provide service to the residents of Whistler.
In addition, the Commission approves increase in the maximum installation fee from $50.00 to $55.00. In approving this increase, the Commission has taken into consideration the fact that the increase only covers a portion of the actual costs of installation and has determined that such an increase is justified on economic grounds.
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General