ARCHIVED - Public Notice CRTC 84-98

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Public Notice

Ottawa, 25 April 1984
Public Notice CRTC 1984-98
Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America relating to the AM Broadcasting Service in the Medium Frequency Band
Reference documents: Canada Gazette Notice No. DGTR 001-84 dated 28 January 1984.
In January 1984, the Department of Communications announced the signing of a bilateral agreement between Canada and the United States. One of the provisions of this agreement allocates and reserves for Canada's use more than 100 new frequencies across the country as shown in the Canada Gazette reference above.
The licensees of many AM radio stations have expressed the desire to change the frequency on which their present station operates to one of the new frequencies in the Allocation Plan. A significant number of applications for frequency changes have already been received by the Commission.
In order that all such applications may be processed in the most expeditious and orderly manner, the Commission requests licensees who are contemplating a change from an existing frequency authorization to one of the newly-available frequencies to submit their applications to the Commission not later than 29 June 1984.
J.G. Patenaude Secretary General

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