Video: The CRTC’s role in the digital economy

Video transcript

We live in a rapidly evolving digital world.

You are using technology to work, play, and connect with each other.

You spend a lot of time watching, listening and consuming media.

Technology has become essential in every part of our lives, from health to education, from safety to security, and to the strength of the economy.

You deserve communications networks and services that you can count on. The CRTC plays an important role to make that a reality.

We ensure that you have access to a world-class communications system. One with reliable and secure networks, and choice of affordable and high-quality services, whether you’re living in Kuujjuaq, working in the Prairies, or sitting in a café in Montreal.

We protect you from unwanted calls and spam, while ensuring businesses can continue to compete in the global marketplace.

We ensure you can create and share your stories, whether on the radio, television or over the Internet.

You can shape the future.




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You deserve communications networks and services that you can count on. The CRTC plays an important role to make that a reality. Learn more about us.

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