Agenda for next Steering Committee Meeting of 29 November 2002


Date of next SC: 29 November 2002

Type of meeting: Quarterly meeting

Due date for comments: 29 November 2002

Working groups have submitted the following items for consideration at the next steering committee (SC) meeting.

1. Meeting will start at 11 a.m., Ottawa time

Dial-in number: (613) 954-9003
Code: 9139#

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Approval of minutes of SC meeting held on 17/06/2002

5. Consensus report (11:15)

a) CLRE030D.doc - Co-location Group (CLG) consensus on list of euipment that is considered ineligible for co-location

b) Final TIF 613_819 RE03A.doc - Ad Hoc NPA Relief Planning Committee consensus on deferral of 613/819 relief implementation plan - see PDF file

c) 514RE05A.doc - RPC TIF Report 514 Relief Deferral 15Nov2002.doc - NPA 514 Relief Planning Committee (RPC) recommending a delay in the implementation of the 438 Overlay NPA Code in Montreal

6. Disputes

7. New TIFs

a) BPTF0039.doc - 65KB - Updating Network Management Guidelines - to reflect the problems associated with the activation of new CO Codes

b) BPTF0040.doc - 32KB - Quality of Service Indicators related to Decision 2002-34

c) CNTF048A.doc - 30KB - Multiple Operating Company Number (Multi-OCN) Oddball CO Codes

8. Other issues (12:00)

a) Submission of Glen Pilley as Chair of CSCN for another year

b) BPMEQS05.doc -21KB - BPWG request to delay TIF 40

c) Status Report Nov 8 02.doc - 51KB - Building access and inside wire WG status report

d) NTRE018.doc - 35KB - Network WG status report

e) Status Report Nov 8 02.doc - 51KB - Business Process WG status report

f) Emergency services (9-1-1) WG Status report

g) CSCN Report 8 Nov2002.doc - 38KB - Committee on Numbering WG status report

h) Nov 8 status.doc - 22KB - Co-location WG status report

i) Cable access (high speed) WG status report

j) Area Code Relief WG status report

9. Next business

a) Whether or not there is there a need to form an ad hoc work group to prepare a report on Operational Support Systems as per Decision 2002-68

10. Next meeting

11. Ajournment

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