Agenda for next Steering Committee Meeting of 22 December 2006


Date of SC meeting: Comments due by 22 December 2006

Type of meeting: Walkaround

Working groups have submitted the following items for consideration at the next steering committee (SC) meeting.

1. Approval of previous SC minutes

a) SCMI0608.doc - 46 KB - SC walkaround meeting of 24 November 2006

2. Consensus Reports

a) CNRE065A.doc - 58 KB - Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) - Modifications to the Canadian Mobile Identification Number Block Identifier (MBI) Assignment Guidelines to allow for the assignement of partial MBIs in certain circumstances in order not to delay WNP implementation, 1 December 2006

3. New TIFs

a) CNTF073A.doc - 59 KB - CSCN - TIF 73 - Additional changes to MBI Assignment Guidelines to consider i) how to deal with MBIs in small exchanges with small pools of in-service CO codes; and ii) how to handle MBI assignment where the corresponding CO code has been returned or was reclaimed by the Canadian Numbering Administrator

b) NTTF020a.doc - 86 KB - Network working group - TIF 20 - Procedure for requesting exchanges that are not currently on a roll-out schedule, to be made portable for WNP

4. Other Issues

a) Work group reports:

i) NPASR0609.doc - 66 KB - NPAC Relief Planning Committees

ii) NTSC0604.doc - 65 KB - Network working group

iii) CNMR0603.doc - 88 KB - CSCN

iv) SCSR0604.doc - 248 KB - CRTC report

5. Next meetings

Teleconferences scheduled for 9 March 2007, 14 September 2007 and 14 December 2007, 11AM Ottawa time.

Face-to-face tentatively scheduled for 15 June 2007 in Ottawa.

Walkaround SC meetings will be held as needed.

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