Agenda for next Steering Committee Meeting of 3 March 2003


Date of next SC: 3 March 2003

Type of meeting: Quarterly Teleconference

Due date for comments: N/A

Working groups have submitted the following items for consideration at the next steering committee (SC) meeting.

1. Meeting will start 11AM, Ottawa time

Dial-in number: (613) 954-9003
Code: 3375#

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Agenda

New CISC Sterring Committee Chair person

4. Approval of previous SC minutes

5. Consensus report

a) Business Process Working Group (BPWG) - Amendments to the Master Agreement for Local interconnection (MALI) to ensure appropriate notification to customers in the event of a merger or acquisition among service providers, or a disconnection of an IXC

b) BPWG - Update to the Network Management Guidelines to resolve problems associated with NXX codes not loaded on time in carrier switches, resulting in service disruption to end-customers

c) BPWG - Amendment to the Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG) to reflect guidelines in the case of a partial migration of customer's services

d) NPA 519 Relief Planning Committee - Relief implementation plan for the 519 area code

e) NPA 613/819 Relief Planning Committee - Temporary special central office code assignment practices for NPAs 613 and 819

6. Disputes

7. New TIFs

a) Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) - Carrier identification codes for switchless resellers (CNTF050A)

b) BPWG - Electronic file transfer service replacement (BPTF0041)

8. Other issues

a) Status of CISC web site improvements

b) CSCN status report

c) BPWG status report

d) Network working group (NTWG) status report

e) Emergency services (9-1-1) WG satus report

f) Co-location WG status report

g) Cable access (high speed) WG status report

h) Area code relief WG status report

i) Building access and inside wire WG status report

9. Next meeting

10. Ajournment

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