Agenda for next Steering Committee Meeting of 8 March 2001


Date of next SC: 8 March 2001

1. The meeting will commence at 11:00 a.m. Ottawa time

Dial in #: 613-954-9003
Access code: 9015#

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Approval of minutes of meeting 2001-1

5. Consensus

a. Exchange Consolidation Ad Hoc Working Group(ECWG) - Consensus on the Pros and Cons of Exchange Consolidation and Recommendations regarding its Implementation (ECFRE001F)

b. Business Process Working Group - Portability of Suspended or Disconnected Telephone Numbers (BPTF0025)

c. Network Working Group - Report on Billing and Routing Alternativwes Associated with Roaming End-customers of Mobile Wireless CLECs (NTRE008)

d. CSCN - Consensus report on Finalized Process for SS7 PointCode Industry Notification

e. Business Process Working Group - Consensus on Abbreviated Access Service Request (AASR) Version 5.1 (BPTF0015)

f. Business Process Working Group - Consensus on Update and Publication of BPWG Process Maps (BPTF0023)

6. Other Issues

a. Networking Security Working Group - Request to close TIF #6 identification of PSAP needs in common with LEAs (NSRE002a)

b. Networking Security Working Group - Request to suspend Working Group on network security issues until further activity identified (NSRE003a)

c. CSCN - Request to CISC re: letter to FCC on Numbering Issues

7. New Business

8. Next Meeting

9. Adjournment

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