Feedback Process

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

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The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) welcomes your feedback on any accessibility barriers that you may have encountered in dealing with the CRTC or your feedback on the manner in which the CRTC is implementing its Accessibility Plan.

The Accessible Canada Act (ACA) defines a barrier as:

“...anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice—that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation.”

The person at the CRTC responsible for receiving feedback is the Accessibility Champion.

Feedback can be general or specific, but providing more details such as the date, the name of the webpage, application or activity involved, may make it easier for us to understand your concerns.

Feedback can be sent by:


Accessibility Champion
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0N2

Telephone (including Video Relay Service)


Online webform

Provide feedback

Live Chat

Chat live online

from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)

*Please note that this service may not be compatible with screen readers.


Anonymous Feedback

Individuals providing feedback can provide personal information and contact information, but they do not have to. If you wish to submit feedback anonymously the online webform or live chat may be the best method to do so. That way we will not see any of your contact information, such as a phone number or email address.

Acknowledgement of Feedback

Automatic acknowledgement of receipt will be sent for feedback received by email and webform. Feedback provided through telephone, TTY and live chat involve direct interaction with a CRTC employee and therefore the employee will acknowledge receipt of the feedback. For feedback received by mail, if contact information is provided, an acknowledgement letter will be mailed to the address provided.

Employee Feedback

CRTC employees will have the option to access a separate webform and telephone number, which will be linked directly on the CRTC’s intranet site. This will ensure that employee feedback is received and dealt with by the appropriate subject matter experts. Employees can remain anonymous by using the employee webform, which will not identify an employee unless they choose to submit personal information. Where an employee requests follow-up, this will also ensure that the fewest number of individuals have access to the employee’s feedback to maintain the highest level of confidentiality possible.

Feedback from other sources

The CRTC communicates with Canadians regularly in order to better understand their perspectives. It also engages with Canadians through various social media channels and valuable feedback on the accessibility of the CRTC may also be provided through these channels. As such, in order to take this valuable feedback into consideration, CRTC staff will acknowledge feedback and create records of any relevant feedback received through these channels. This will ensure that this feedback is triaged and treated in a manner consistent with feedback received through traditional channels.

How feedback will be used

Feedback will help the CRTC continuously improve our accessibility efforts. Some feedback may not require a direct response or immediate follow-up, and some may highlight issues that need to be addressed right away. However, all feedback received will help the CRTC develop its future accessibility plans and it will help us know how we are progressing towards our accessibility goals. The feedback we receive will be taken into consideration when we write our accessibility progress reports, published in the years between accessibility plans.


Section 5 of the ACA highlights the following areas of focus for the removal and prevention of barriers:

In addition to the Accessibility Champion who is responsible for receiving and overseeing all feedback related to the ACA, the CRTC has identified executives (pillar leads) who will be responsible for taking concrete actions to identify, remove and prevent barriers under each of the above areas. Each pillar lead has provided action items for the CRTC’s Accessibility Plan and they will be responsible for executing the action items. These pillar leads will also be responsible for managing feedback, including any follow-up required, and will take this feedback into consideration in the CRTC’s activities in this area. They will also need to report back on their progress, under their specific area of responsibility for the CRTC’s progress reports.

When feedback is received through the various channels, a copy of the feedback will be provided to the pillar lead so that they can address the feedback in the appropriate manner. 

Pillar Leads

Employment: Director General, Human Resources

Built Environment: Director, Security and Facilities

Information and Communication Technologies: Chief Information Officer and Director General, Communications and External Relations

Communications, other than ICTs:

Procurement of goods, services and facilities: Director General, Finance and Administrative Services

Design and delivery of programs and services: The CRTC is an independent regulator and does not design or deliver government programs and services. But see “Communications, other than ICTs” for communications relating to our regulatory processes.

Transportation: The CRTC does not offer transportation services.


All feedback received will be converted into a suitable digital format and will be stored in the CRTC’s document management system. A filing system has been created specifically to manage feedback related to the ACA. The system has been programmed so that all records stored will be automatically retained for the required seven-year period. Feedback (except that submitted anonymously) will be sorted by source, that is, whether it was received from an employee or from an external stakeholder. The feedback will then be further categorized by the relevant areas under section 5 of the ACA. CRTC employees will also document feedback using the CRTC’s internal document management platform. These steps will allow for easier reporting at the end of each reporting cycle.

Alternative Formats

You can request an alternative format of this feedback process description in print, large print, Braille, audio format or an electronic format that is compatible with adaptive technology by sending an email to

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