Spam and malware

How to report spam

Canadians can report spam to the Spam Reporting Centre. Contact your local law enforcement if you have been threatened, are a victim of a crime, or fear for anyone's safety.

We are committed to reducing the harmful effects of spam and related threats.

Our goal is to help create a safer and more secure online marketplace. That is why we enforce what we call Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).

Services and information

Frequently asked questions

Sending messages, consent, identification, unsubscribing, installing computer programs, registered charities, enforcement approach.

Compliance tips

Consent, contact lists, internal do not call list, corporate compliance programs, accurate records.

The Act, regulations and guidelines

The Act, regulations, orders, compliance guidelines and advisories.

Protecting yourself from spam and malware

Malicious email messages, phishing, malware, recent scams.

Compliance and enforcement processes: CASL

What to do and what to expect when facing a compliance and enforcement action.


Working together to fight spam
Working together to fight spam

Canada’s anti-spam legislation’s main goal is to protect you and make spammers think twice about sending spam to Canadians.

How to spot an online scam
How to spot an online scam

Scammers use many fraudulent techniques to gain access to your personal accounts through your computer and electronic devices.

Spam and Telemarketing – A recipe for success
Spam and Telemarketing – A recipe for success

Follow the adventures of Kim, the owner of Tiny Cakes, in three delicious videos that will show you how small businesses can succeed while complying with Canada's anti-spam law and telemarketing rules!

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