ARCHIVED - Telecom Procedural Letter Addressed to Mr. Richard Polishak (Chair, CISC Network Working Group)

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Ottawa, 6 October 2017

Our reference: 8663-C12-201503186


Mr. Richard Polishak
Chair, CISC Network Working Group

Re: Request for an extension to submit report on metrics to define high-quality fixed broadband Internet access service

Dear Mr. Polishak:

In Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2016-496, Modern telecommunications services – The path forward for Canada’s digital economy, 21 December 2016, the Commission requested the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) to make recommendations and submit a report, by 10 July 2017, on appropriate performance metrics for latency, jitter, and packet loss to define high-quality fixed broadband Internet access service.

In a letter to the Commission dated 30 June 2017, the CISC Network Working Group (NTWG) indicated that although good progress was being made, the NTWG would need additional time to complete the task and submit a report to the Commission. The NTWG requested an extension to 29 September 2017 and this was granted by the Commission on 18 July 2017.

In a subsequent letter to the Commission dated 25 September 2017, the NTWG requested a further extension to 29 November 2017. It stated that there has continued to be a higher degree of discussion, contributions and related activity within the NTWG TIF sub-group than was originally anticipated, including 27 detailed contributions on this topic. The NTWG also stated that contrary to the initial belief of many members, the task has revealed itself to be more complex and contentious than previously considered. The NTWG concluded that while significant progress has been made, there was not sufficient time to properly complete the task by the 29 September 2017 deadline. To achieve the new extended deadline, the NTWG has developed a work plan that includes the creation of a Report Writing Committee and milestones.

The Commission has reviewed the request and grants an extension to 29 November 2017, to allow the NTWG to complete the task and submit its report. This is on the basis that the extension will enable stakeholders to conduct a more comprehensive review of the issues, and provide a better quality report, with more informed recommendations.


Original signed by

Scott Hutton
Acting Secretary General

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