ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to Rick Schleihauf (Fibernetics Corporation)
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Ottawa, 24 March 2015
Our reference: 8695-B54-201410902
Mr. Rick Schleihauf
VP- Regulatory Affairs and Carrier Relations
Fibernetics Corporation
605 Boxwood Drive
Cambridge, Ontario N3E 1A5
Re: Part 1 Application regarding imbalance payments to Fibernetics for the termination of traffic
Fibernetics Corporation (Fibernetics) is requested to provide responses to the questions set out in the attachment by 7 April 2015, serving a copy on Bell Aliant Regional Communications, L.P. (Bell Aliant) and Bell Canada (collectively, the Bell companies) and all interested parties by the same date.
The Bell companies and other parties may file comments on Fibernetics’ responses by 13 April 2015, serving a copy on all parties, by the same date.
Fibernetics may file reply comments by 16 April 2015, serving a copy on the Bell companies and all interested parties, by the same date.
To the extent that Fibernetics will be filing information that it deems to be confidential, it may do so pursuant to section 38 of the Telecommunications Act and should provide an abridged version to be placed on the public record of this proceeding. Fibernetics is to serve parties with the appropriate version.
Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, not merely sent, by that date.
Original signed by
Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution & Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector
c.c.: Jesslyn Mullaney, CRTC, 819-953-5255,
Philippe Gauvin, Bell Canada,
Russ Friesen, MTS Allstream,
Simom-Pierre Olivier, Rogers,
Edmund Chislett, Comwave,
William Sandiford, CNOC,
Stephen Schmidt, Telus,
- With respect to paragraph 10 of Fibernetics’ submission dated 19 February 2015, clearly explain, with supporting diagrams, the call routing and call network connections for each of the 47 calls, identifying in each case the third party and wholesale customer, and in each case the:
- originating point, if known;
- routing path between the originating point and Fibernetics’ network;
- routing path for termination on Fibernetics’ network.
- Provide a list of all wholesale customers to whom Fibernetics leased telephone numbers during the three time periods in which the 47 relevant calls were made.
- Provide a list of all Fibernetics’ wholesale customers to whom Fibernetics leased services other than telephone numbers during the three time periods in which the 47 relevant calls were made.
- Describe, with diagrams, how each of the incoming 47 calls to Fibernetics’ network from the Bell companies was routed to the wholesale customer to terminate to the end-user. For each of these calls provide the name of the wholesale customer.
- Was # # a wholesale customer of Fibernetics in the three time periods in which the 47 relevant calls were made? If yes, provide a list of all the wholesale services purchased by # #.
- Provide the terms of service that apply to Fibernetics’ leasing of phone numbers to # # including any restrictions or call routing requirements for calls originating from these telephone numbers in the three time periods in which the 47 relevant calls were made. Provide a copy of the agreement between Fibernetics and # # for the lease of telephone numbers.
- Did Fibernetics have Primary Rate Interface (PRI) connections with # # during the three time periods in which the 47 relevant calls were made? If yes, were the PRI connections two way or one way and if one way, in what direction?
- (a) Indicate whether Fibernetics and # # are associated or affiliated companies. (b) Describe the business relationship between Fibernetics and # #. (c) Has Fibernetics entered into any other arrangement or understanding with # # on how traffic must be routed? If yes, please further describe the roles and responsibilities each party has with respect to the routing of traffic from # # customers using telephone numbers leased from Fibernetics. (d) What role, if any, does Fibernetics play in instructing how originating traffic from telephone numbers leased by # # from Fibernetics, must be routed.
- Provide a copy of all agreements that Fibernetics had with # #for wholesale services during the three time periods in which the 47 relevant calls were made.
- Date modified: