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Ottawa, 26 March 2014
Procedural Letter
By email
Ref No.: 2013-1746-2
Re : Complaint by Independent Community Television (2013-1746-2) – Request for additional information
Dear Ms. Tabet :
The Commission received the reply by Quebecor Media Inc., on behalf of Vidéotron G.P. (Vidéotron) dated 17 March 2014. To help us complete this record, please provide the following material, which will be added to the public record:
• A copy of MAtv's service zones (1 to 7) program logs of the Great Montreal licensed area for the week of 25 November to 1 December 2013.
Vidéotron is to submit electronically, via the secured service My CRTC Account (Partner Log In or GCKey), its response to the above questions by 7 April 2014. For clarity, please repeat the above questions in your response. Please note that this letter and Vidéotron's response will be placed on the public record.
Given the time granted to Videotron to reply, the intervention period for this proceeding will be extended to 22 April 2014. This first phase will be followed by a 10-day reply period.
Should you need further information concerning your application, please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone at 819-956-2974 or by email at
Yours sincerely,
Julie St-Pierre
Analyst, French Language Television
TV Policy and Applications
cc. Sabine Friesinger
Independent Community Television (ICTV) of Montreal
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