Broadcasting Order CRTC 2014-84
Ottawa, 26 February 2014
Broadcasting Licence Fees – Part I
1. The Broadcasting Licence Fee Regulations, 1997 (the Regulations) provide for the payment of a Part I licence fee by certain broadcasting undertakings. Section 9(1) of the Regulations sets out the components for the calculation of the regulatory costs.
2. Pursuant to section 10 of the Regulations, the Commission hereby announces in this public notice that the estimated total broadcasting regulatory costs of the Commission for the 2014-2015 fiscal year are $29.853 million.
3. The annual adjustment amount (credit) referred to in section 8(2) for the 2012-2013 fiscal year is ($0.821 million).
4. A second adjustment pertaining to the 2013-2014 fiscal year in the amount of $0.165 million is being made following the revision of the Part I billing amounts for a small number of broadcasting undertakings. Part I broadcasting licence fees were recalculated and the adjustment is being invoiced to the other broadcasting undertakings.
5. The net billing for the Part I licence fee for the 2014-2015 fiscal year, taking into account the adjustments in paragraphs 3 and 4 above, is $29.197 million. This amount is $1.346 million lower (i.e., a decrease of 4.4%) than the net billing of $30.543 million in the previous fiscal year.
Secretary General
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