ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2013-130
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Route reference: 2012-475
Additional references: 2012-475-3 and 2012-475-5
Ottawa, 18 March 2013
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Application 2012-0816-6, received 9 July 2012
Public hearing in the National Capital Region
7 November 2012
CKSB Winnipeg – Conversion to the FM band
1. The Commission approves the application by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) for a broadcasting licence to operate a French-language FM radio programming undertaking in Winnipeg, Manitoba, to replace its AM station CKSB St. Boniface (La Première Chaîne) and its nested FM rebroadcasting transmitter CKSB-10-FM Winnipeg. The licensee will continue to operate the existing transmitters CKSB-FM-1 Ste. Rose du Lac, CKSB-2 St-Lazare, CKSB-FM-3 The Pas, CKSB-FM-4 Flin Flon, CKSB-FM-5 Thompson and CKSB-FM-8 Brandon, Manitoba, and CKSB-FM-6 Dryden, CKSB-FM-7 Kenora and CKSB-FM-9 Fort Frances, Ontario, which will rebroadcast the programming of the new FM station. The Commission received an intervention in support of this application.
2. The terms and conditions of licence are set out in the appendix to this decision. The CBC must submit a licence amendment application if it wishes to harmonize the new station’s conditions of licence with those that will be imposed on the CBC’s undertakings following the proceeding and the public hearing relating to the renewal of the licences for its stations.
3. The new station will operate at 88.1 MHz (channel 201C1) with an effective radiated power of 100,000 watts (non-directional antenna with an effective height of antenna above average terrain of 223 metres).
4. The new station will broadcast programming from La Première Chaîne network and will maintain, each broadcast week, the level of local programming as currently provided by CKSB. The local programming will consist of a mix of news, weather, sports, music and reports on community events.
5. The CBC submitted that converting CKSB to the FM band will improve the coverage of its radio services in Winnipeg and reach more Francophones in that area.
Simulcast period and revocation of AM licence
6. As set out in the appendix to this decision, the CBC is authorized to simulcast the programming of the new FM station on its AM station CKSB for a transition period of three months following the commencement of operations of the FM station. Pursuant to sections 9(1)(e) and 24(2) of the Broadcasting Act, and consistent with the licensee’s request, the Commission revokes the broadcasting licence for CKSB and CKSB-10-FM Winnipeg, effective at the end of the simulcast period.
Employment equity
7. Because this licensee is subject to the Employment Equity Act and files reports concerning employment equity with the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development, its employment equity practices are not examined by the Commission.
Secretary General
*This decision is to be appended to the licence.
Appendix to Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2013-130
Terms, conditions of licence and expectation for the French-language FM radio programming undertaking in Winnipeg, Manitoba
The licence will expire 31 August 2019.
The new station will operate at 88.1 MHz (channel 201C1) with an effective radiated power of 100,000 watts (non-directional antenna with an effective height of antenna above average terrain of 223 metres).
The Commission reminds the applicant that, pursuant to section 22(1) of the Broadcasting Act, this authority will only be effective when the Department of Industry notifies the Commission that its technical requirements have been met and that a broadcasting certificate will be issued.
Furthermore, the Commission will only issue a licence for this undertaking once the applicant has informed the Commission in writing that it is prepared to commence operations. The undertaking must be operational at the earliest possible date and in any event no later than 24 months from the date of this decision, unless a request for an extension of time is approved by the Commission before 18 March 2015. In order to ensure that such a request is processed in a timely manner, it should be submitted at least 60 days before this date.
Conditions of licence
1. The licensee shall not broadcast any commercial message of content category 5 (Advertising) except:
a. during programs that are available to the licensee only on a sponsored basis; or
b. as required to fulfil the requirements of the legislation of the Parliament of Canada pertaining to elections.
2. The licensee shall ensure that not less that 50% of musical selections from content category 2 (Popular Music) broadcast during each broadcast month are Canadian selections broadcast in their entirety, and that these selections are scheduled in a reasonable manner throughout the broadcast day.
3. The licensee shall ensure that not less than 20% of musical selections from content category 3 (Special Interest Music) broadcast during each broadcast month are Canadian selections broadcast in their entirety.
4. The licensee shall adhere to its self-regulatory guidelines on sex-role portrayal as amended from time to time and approved by the Commission, and, as a minimum, to the Canadian Association of Broadcasters Equitable Portrayal Code, as amended from time to time and approved by the Commission.
5. The licensee shall adhere to the Equitable Portrayal Code, as amended from time to time and approved by the Commission.
6. The licensee is authorized to simulcast the programming of the new FM station on its AM station CKSB St. Boniface for a transition period of three months following the commencement of operations of the FM station.
During the new licence term, the Commission expects the licensee to broadcast, in each broadcast month, at least 85% of French-language vocal music selections from content category 2 (Popular Music), to limit English-language vocal music selections to 5%, and to ensure that the latter are Canadian.
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