Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2007-320
Ottawa, 22 August 2007
International Harvesters for Christ Evangelistic Association Inc. Moncton, New Brunswick
Application 2007-0554-3, received 11 April 2007
Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2007-49
9 May 2007
CITA-FM Moncton - Technical change
The Commission approves the application by International Harvesters for Christ Evangelistic Association Inc. to amend the broadcasting licence for the radio programming undertaking CITA-FM Moncton by changing the station's frequency and authorized contours.
The Commission received an application by International Harvesters for Christ Evangelistic Association Inc. (IHC) to amend the broadcasting licence for the radio programming undertaking CITA-FM Moncton in order to change the frequency from 105.9 MHz (channel 290LP) to 105.1 MHz (channel 286A). The licensee also proposed to change CITA-FM's authorized contours by increasing the effective radiated power (ERP) from 50 watts to 880 watts and by increasing the antenna height.
CITA-FM was licensed in Decision 2000-359 to provide a Christian music service. It is required, by condition of licence, to ensure that at least 95% of all musical selections aired during each broadcast week are drawn from subcategory 35 (Non-classic religious). In addition, the licensee is required, by condition of licence, not to broadcast commercial messages.
The Commission notes that the proposed increase in power would result in a change of CITA-FM's status from a low-power unprotected service to a regular Class A FM service, and that the proposed technical changes would result in a significant increase in the authorized contours of the undertaking.
IHC submitted the current application following the issuance of Broadcasting Decision 2007-8 (the CBC decision). In that decision, the Commission approved an application by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) to convert CBA Moncton from the AM to the FM band and to operate the new station at 106.1 MHz. Consequently, given that the use of frequency 106.1 MHz by the CBC is technically mutually exclusive with CITA-FM's current frequency of 105.9 MHz, and given its status as a low-power unprotected station, CITA-FM is required to relinquish its frequency.
The Commission did not receive any interventions in connection with this application.
Commission's analysis and determinations
The Commission notes that CITA-FM is currently licensed as a low-power unprotected FM service and that approval of the present application would change its operating class to that of a high-power service that has protected status under the Department of Industry's (the Department's) rules. The Commission expects that, when a licensee of a low-power radio station files an application to change its operating class to that of a higher-powered, protected station, it should present compelling evidence that its authorized technical parameters are not adequate to provide the service as it was originally proposed. The Commission does not consider that IHC provided such evidence.
However, the Commission notes that IHC submitted this application because the CBC decision obliged it to relinquish its frequency. Moreover, the Commission notes that CITA-FM will retain its current format and that the licensee is required, by condition of licence, to ensure that at least 95% of all musical selections aired during each broadcast week are drawn from subcategory 35 (Non-classic religious) and not to broadcast commercial messages. As such, the station's operations will have minimal, if any, impact on mainstream commercial radio licensees serving the Moncton market. The Commission further notes that there are several other protected frequencies still available in the Moncton area to accommodate future applicants.
In light of the special circumstances outlined above, the Commission is of the view that the applicant is not using the application as a "back-door" entry into the mainstream commercial radio market and considers that the application should be dealt with expeditiously.
In light of the above, the Commission approves the application by International Harvesters for Christ Evangelistic Association Inc. to amend the broadcasting licence for the radio programming undertaking CITA-FM Moncton in order to change the frequency from 105.9 MHz (channel 290LP) to 105.1 MHz (channel 286A), and to change the undertaking's authorized contours by increasing the ERP from 50 watts to 880 watts and by increasing the antenna height.
The Commission notes that were it not for the unique circumstances underlying this situation and for the fact that there were no interventions in opposition to this application, it would have denied this application.
The Department has advised the Commission that, while this application is conditionally technically acceptable, it will only issue a broadcasting certificate when it has determined that the proposed technical parameters will not create any unacceptable interference with aeronautical NAV/COM services.
The Commission reminds the licensee that, pursuant to section 22(1) of the Broadcasting Act, this authority will only be effective when the Department notifies the Commission that its technical requirements have been met, and that a broadcasting certificate will be issued.
Secretary General
Related documents
CBA Moncton - Conversion to FM band, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2007-8, 8 January 2007.
New low-power Christian music FM station in Moncton, Decision CRTC 2000-359, 24 August 2000
This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined in PDF format or in HTML at the following Internet site: www.crtc.gc.ca