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Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2007-29

  Ottawa, 24 January 2007
  Association d'Églises baptistes reformées du Québec
Québec, Quebec
  Application 2006-0725-2
Public Hearing at Regina, Saskatchewan
30 October 2006

Religious FM station in Québec

  In this decision, the Commission approves the application by the Association d'Églises baptistes reformées du Québec for a broadcasting licence to operate a French-language religious specialty FM radio station in Québec.

The application


The Commission received an application by the Association d'Églises baptistes reformées du Québec (AÉBRQ) for a broadcasting licence to operate a low-power, French-language religious specialty FM radio programming undertaking in Québec, Quebec. The AÉBRQ is a duly incorporated corporation under the Religious Corporations Act and is recognized as a charity.


The proposed station would operate at 96.9 MHz (channel 245LP) with an effective radiated power of 13 watts.


The applicant proposed to broadcast 70 hours of programming per week, consisting of musical selections and spoken word programming. The applicant will not broadcast newscasts, pop songs or commercial messages.


The applicant proposed to devote 50% of all musical selections broadcast to selections from subcategory 31 (Concert), 30% to selections from subcategory 24 (Easy listening), 10% to selections from subcategory 34 (Jazz and blues), and 10% to selections from subcategory 35 (Non-classic religious), as defined in Revised content categories and subcategories for radio, Public Notice CRTC 2000-14, 28 January 2000.


The station will broadcast 12 hours and 51 minutes per week of multi-faith religious spoken-word programming as defined in Religious Broadcasting Policy, Public Notice CRTC 1993-78, 3 June 1993 (the Religious Broadcasting Policy). The applicant specified that the religious programming will include 2 hours and 30 minutes of balance programming, that is, programs that will present differing views on religion and matters of public concern. These balance programs will be re-broadcast during the week. In terms of balance programming, the applicant indicated that it will broadcast a program titled Dialogues, which will include interviews and discussions with people from various religions and cultures who are doing internships at Université Laval. The station will also broadcast a program during which a pastor who is part of the evangelical movement will respond to questions posed by the audience. The applicant indicated that it will also invite members of other religious denominations to discuss, on the air, their own religious beliefs or practices.


The applicant does not intend to participate in the Canadian talent development (CTD) plan developed by the Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB), and proposes instead to contribute two $500 annual scholarships to two members of the Chour du Roi choir or the Gospel du Québec group.


The Commission did not receive any interventions in connection with this application.

Commission's analysis and determinations


The Commission has considered the application in light of the provisions of the Religious Broadcasting Policy, given that the applicant proposed to operate a religious radio station.


Section 3(1)(i) of the Broadcasting Act (the Act) states that programming provided by the Canadian broadcasting system should be varied, balanced, and where possible, provide a reasonable opportunity for the public to be exposed to the expression of differing views on matters of public concern.


The Commission stipulated in the Religious Broadcasting Policy that it remains a principal tenet of the Canadian broadcasting system that licensees should provide balance on matters of public concern. In the Commission's view, licensees that broadcast religious programming have an obligation to provide an opportunity for the public to be exposed to differing views on matters of general public concern and, at the same time, to expose listeners to different points of view on religion itself. Accordingly, the Commission expects applicants to demonstrate how they intend to ensure balance in their programming, and how they would respond to complaints from the public about balance in programming.


In the present case, the Commission considers that the applicant's proposals related to the provision of balance programming demonstrate that it is prepared to meet the requirements set out in the Act and in the Religious Broadcasting Policy. The Commission is also satisfied that, although the applicant plans to provide only a limited amount of live programming, the level and nature of other types of local programming proposed in the application are commensurate with the expected number of potential listeners, the nature of the specialty service, and the size of the community to be served. Further, the Commission considers the applicant's CTD plans and budget to be appropriate.


Accordingly, the Commission approves the application by the Association d'Églises baptistes reformées du Québec to operate a low-power, French-language religious specialty FM radio programming undertaking in Québec. The station will operate at 96.9 MHz (channel 245LP) with an effective radiated power of 13 watts.


The Commission expects the AÉBRQ to adhere to the requirements for the provision of balance programming. Furthermore, the Commission encourages the AÉBRQ to establish a regulatory review committee to oversee the handling of complaints regarding the content of balance programming. The Commission also encourages the applicant to make use of Canadian sources for its religious programming. In the appendix to this decision, the Commission has imposed a condition of licence requiring the licensee to comply with the guidelines on balance and ethics set out in the Religious Broadcasting Policy whenever it broadcasts religious programming, as defined in that policy.


In Commercial Radio Policy 2006, Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2006-158, 15 December 2006, the Commission announced its revised approach relating to content development initiatives and to the promotion of Canadian artists, which is expected to be implemented on 1 September 2007. In order to reflect a new emphasis on development initiatives that lead to the creation of audio content for broadcast using Canadian resources, the Commission will replace the expression "Canadian talent development" (CTD) with "Canadian content development" (CCD). Each radio station holding a commercial radio licence will be required to make a basic annual CCD contribution based on its revenues in the previous broadcast year.


The Commission notes that this commitment will be imposed as a condition of licence. Amounts required under this condition may be deducted from the amounts that will be required under the new basic CCD contribution.


This licence will expire 31 August 2013 and will be subject to the conditions set out in New licence form for commercial radio stations,Public Notice CRTC 1999-137, 24 August 1999, with the exception of conditions numbers 2, 5, 8 and 9. The licence will also be subject to the conditions set out in the appendix to this decision.

Issuance of the licence


The Department of Industry (the Department) has advised the Commission that, while this application is conditionally technically acceptable, it will only issue a broadcasting certificate when it has determined that the proposed technical parameters will not create any unacceptable interference with aeronautical NAV/COM services.


The Commission reminds the applicant that, pursuant to section 22(1) of the Act, no licence may be issued until the Department notifies the Commission that its technical requirements have been met, and that a broadcasting certificate will be issued.


Given that the technical parameters approved in this decision are for a low-power unprotected FM service, the Commission also reminds the applicant that it will have to select another frequency if the Department so requires.


Furthermore, the licence for this undertaking will be issued once the applicant has informed the Commission in writing that it is prepared to commence operations. The undertaking must be operational at the earliest possible date and in any event no later than 24 months from the date of this decision, unless a request for an extension of time is approved by the Commission before 24 January 2009. In order to ensure that such a request is processed in a timely manner, it should be submitted at least 60 days before this date.
  Secretary General
  This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined in PDF format or in HTML at the following Internet site:

Appendix to Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2007-29


Conditions of licence


1. The licence will be subject to the conditions set out in New licence form for commercial radio stations, Public Notice CRTC 1999-137, 24 August 1999, with the exception of conditions numbers 2, 5, 8 and 9.


2. The station shall be operated within the Specialty format as defined in A Review of Certain Matters Concerning Radio, Public Notice CRTC 1995-60, 21 April 1995, and Revised content categories and subcategories for radio, Public Notice CRTC 2000-14, 28 January 2000, as amended from time to time.


3. The licensee shall, in any broadcast week, devote a minimum of 50% of all musical selections broadcast to selections from subcategory 31 (Concert), 30% to selections from subcategory 24 (Easy listening), 10% to selections from subcategory 34 (Jazz and blues), and 10% to selections from subcategory 35 (Non-classic religious), as defined in Revised content categories and subcategories for radio, Public Notice CRTC 2000-14, 28 January 2000.


4. The licensee shall not broadcast newscasts, pop songs or commercial messages.


5. The licensee shall contribute $1,000 per year, for two annual scholarships of $500 to be awarded to two members of the Chour du Roi choir or the Gospel du Québec group.


6. Where the licensee broadcasts religious programming as defined in the Religious Broadcasting Policy, Public Notice CRTC 1993-78, 3 June 1993, the licensee shall adhere to the guidelines set out in sections III.B.2.a) and IV of that public notice with respect to the provision of balance and ethics in religious programming, as amended from time to time.

Date Modified: 2007-01-24

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