ARCHIVED - Broadcasting - Commission Letter to L. Morry

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Ottawa, 15 April 2002

Ms. Lanny Morry
Director, Regulatory Affairs
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
250 Lanark Avenue
Ottawa, ON
K1Z 6R5

Re: Annual Reports Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 2000-1

Dear Ms. Morry:

This is to acknowledge that the Commission accepts the annual reports filed by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) / Société Radio-Canada (SRC) (the Corporation) on 20 December 2001, pursuant to A distinctive voice for all Canadians: Renewal of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's licences - A preamble to the Commission's decisions on the CBC licence renewals: Decisions CRTC 2000-1, 2000-2 and 2000-3, Public Notice CRTC 2000-1, 6 January 2000, and the additional information filed in the letters dated 23 January 2002 and 13 February 2002 . These annual reports relate to the following decisions: Licences for CBC English-language television and radio renewed for a seven-year term, Decision CRTC 2000-1, 6 January 2000, Licences for CBC French-language television and radio renewed for a seven-year term, Decision CRTC 2000-2, 6 January 2000, and Licences for Newsworld and RDI renewed for a seven-year term, Decision CRTC 2000-3 (the renewal decisions), pertaining to the renewal of the English and French television and radio networks and individual station licenses, as well as Newsworld and Le Réseau de l'Information (RDI).

The Commission notes that the licensee has indicated that the English and French Radio Network services, Newsworld and Le Réseau de l'Information are fully in compliance with their conditions of licence, and have fully addressed the requirements and expectations set in the renewal decisions; that the English and French Television services have met or exceeded the Commission's requirements and expectations in nearly all areas; and, that the English Television Network has met all its conditions of licence while the French Television Network has substantially met its conditions of licence.

The Commission would draw the Corporation's attention to the following matters:

With respect to the French-language television network's condition of licence relating to variety programming, the Commission notes the additional information filed by the licensee in its letter of 13 February 2002. The licensee noted that 28.5 hours of variety programming reflecting the artistic and cultural realities of the various regions of Canada were broadcast in peak time, and that several other programs with artistic performances required reclassification as category 11 programs (General entertainment and human interest) following the publication of revisions to the definition of television content categories in Definitions for new types of priority programs; revisions to the definitions of television content categories; definitions of Canadian dramatic programs that will qualify for time credits towards priority programming requirements, Public Notice CRTC 1999-205, 23 December 1999. Based on this additional information, the Commission concludes that the SRC broadcast a weekly average of 3.02 hours of variety programming in the 2000/2001 broadcast year. This adjusted figure represents an increase from the number of hours indicated in the Corporation's annual report. Please report this information on a similar basis, in consultation with Commission staff, in future annual reports.

With respect to the English-language television services, the Commission notes that the initiatives and directions set out in the CBC's strategic "Transformation" plan are largely in keeping with the direction provided in Licences for CBC English-language television and radio renewed for a seven-year term, Decision CRTC 2000-1, 6 January 2000 (Decision CRTC 2000-1). The Commission acknowledges that CBC's new strategic direction has led to a re-balancing of the programming priorities towards public service-oriented objectives and that some of the resulting initiatives, such as the reduction of commercials in news and arts programming and the increase of the commercial-free children's television block, have led to financial constraints elsewhere in the service.

Finally, the Commission notes that the CBC's strategic Transformation has resulted in the reduction of local/regional programming levels from those undertaken by the CBC and reflected in Decision CRTC 2000-1. The CBC's local news programming now consists of half-hour supper hour local/regional newscasts produced at CBC owned-and-operated stations across the country, which are combined with a half-hour national newscast. The Commission notes the CBC's statement in its 13 February 2002 letter that they, "do not have any plans to change the format".

The annual reports and related correspondence will be placed on CBC's and SRC's public examination files.

Yours sincerely,

Ursula Menke
Secretary General

Date Modified: 2002-04-15

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