ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 99-444

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Ottawa, 23 September 1999
Decision CRTC 99-444
Okanagan Skeena Group Limited
Hinton and Edson, Jasper, Grande Cache and Whitecourt, Alberta - 199906104
16 August 1999 Public Hearing
National Capital Region
Acquisition of the assets of CIYR and CJYR and its transmitters
1.  The Commission approves the application for authority to acquire the assets of CIYR Hinton and CJYR Edson and its transmitters CKYR Jasper, CKYR-1 Grande Cache and CFYR-FM Whitecourt from Yellowhead Broadcasting Ltd., and for broadcasting licences to continue the operation of these undertakings.
2.  The Commission will issue licences to Okanagan Skeena Group Limited, expiring 31 August 2003, (the current expiry date), upon surrender of the current licences. The licences will be subject to the conditions specified in the licences to be issued.
3.  The total purchase price relating to this transaction is $2,800,000, subject to adjustments at closing. Based on the evidence filed with the application, the Commission has no concerns with respect to the availability or the adequacy of the required financing.
4.  Consistent with the requirements of the benefits test outlined in Public Notice CRTC 1998-41 entitled Commercial Radio Policy 1998, the benefits offered represent the required minimum direct financial contribution to Canadian talent development of $168,000, or 6% of the purchase price. The benefits expenditures will be spent over seven years. They include $84,000 to be allocated to the Canadian Music Marketing and Promotion Fund, which is to be created and $84,000 as a contribution to FACTOR.
5.  The contribution which is to be allocated to the Canadian Music Marketing and Promotion Fund must be directed to the Canadian Association of Broadcasters who will hold all contributions in trust pending the creation of this fund. These commitments are over and above CJYR's existing commitments and conditions of licence.
Employment equity
6.  The Commission notes that this licensee is subject to the Employment Equity Act that came into effect on 24 October 1996 (1996 EEA), and therefore files reports concerning employment equity with Human Resources Development Canada. As a result of a consequential amendment to the Broadcasting Act, the Commission no longer has the authority to apply its employment equity policy to any undertaking that is subject to the 1996 EEA.
Related CRTC document
·  Public Notice CRTC 1999-137 - New licence form for commercial radio stations
This decision is to be appended to each licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be viewed at the following Internet site:
Secretary General
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