ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 99-39

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Ottawa, 17 February 1999
Decision CRTC 99-39
La Clé d'la Baie en Huronie - Association culturelle francophone
Penetanguishene, Ontario - 199807088 - 199805339
7 December 1998 Public Hearing in Montréal
Acquisition of the assets of community radio station CFRH-FM
1. The Commission approves the application for authority to acquire the assets of the Type A community radio programming undertaking, CFRH-FM Penetanguishene, from Radio-Huronie FM Communautaire Inc., and for a broadcasting licence to continue the operation of this undertaking.
2. The Commission will issue a licence to La Clé d'la Baie en Huronie - Association culturelle francophone, expiring 31 August 2000, the current expiry date, upon surrender of the current licence. The licence will be subject to the same conditions as those in effect under the current licence, as well as to any other condition specified in this decision and in the licence to be issued.
3. The Commission notes that the transaction proposed within this application represents an intra-corporate reorganization that does not alter the control or management of the licensee.
4. The licensee is authorized, by condition of licence, to use automation during certain periods of the broadcast day, as long as this computerized system is one that permits the on-air announcer to interrupt programs when necessary.
5. The Commission also approves the application to amend the broadcasting licence by changing the frequency from 101.9 MHz (channel 270LP) to 88.1 MHz (channel 201B) and by increasing the effective radiated power from 10 watts to 4,493 watts.
6. The Commission notes that CFRH-FM's current effective radiated power is 10 watts rather than 20 watts as indicated in Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 1998-7 dated 2 October 1998.
7. As a result of the technical changes approved herein, CFRH-FM will no longer need its low power transmitters CFRH-FM-1 Midland, CFRH-FM-2 Perkinsfield and CFRH-FM-3 Lafontaine.
8. CKLN Radio Inc., licensee of CKLN-FM Toronto, filed an opposing intervention claiming that the proposed technical changes could have a negative impact on its station. The Commission is satisfied with the applicant's response to the intervention. Moreover, the Commission notes that Industry Canada has advised that the technical parameters authorized in this decision are less than the maximum permissible values prescribed for the requested channel 201B and that the potential for interference with CKLN-FM is minimal.
Secretary General
This decision is to be appended to the licence.
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