ARCHIVED -  Telecom Order CRTC 98-897

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Telecom Order

Ottawa, 8 September 1998
Telecom Order CRTC 98-897
On 25 February 1998, BC TEL filed Tariff Notice (TN) 3772 proposing to withdraw its Mobiltel station and the radio terminal providing the Radio Toll Station Service at Tofino. There were no interventions on this filing.
File No.: TN 3772
1.In its application, BC TEL quoted from Telecom Decision CRTC 90-26, dated 30 November 1990, (Part VI, Section D) where the Commission concluded that:
"...where B.C. Tel proposes to withdraw any Mobiltel rate centre, it must provide written confirmation that the area served by the Mobiltel rate centre is fully covered by each of (1) Autotel VHF and (2) at least one RCC."
2.The Commission notes that BC TEL stated that in the normal course of developing an application to withdraw a Mobiltel rate centre, the company conducts an analysis of the probable coverage of the Autotel service in the affected area and compares it to the assumed Mobiltel coverage. That analysis often indicates that, although there are minor variations attributable to the technical differences between the systems, the coverage of Autotel is virtually identical to that of Mobiltel. With respect to Radio Common Carriers coverage, the company has verified that at least one radiotelephone service alternative is available in the area served by the Mobiltel channel proposed to be removed.
3.BC TEL further stated that the company cannot guarantee that Mobiltel service or Autotel, or indeed, cellular service will always operate at any particular location when reception may be blocked by any number of geographic obstacles or hampered by circumstantial weather conditions.
4.The Commission notes that the coverage provided by a radio service is affected by atmospheric and technical conditions.
5.The Commission considers that BC TEL's application is in conformity with Decision 90-26.
5.The Commission therefore approves TN 3772, effective 60 days from the date of this Order.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General
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