ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 96-589

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Ottawa, 30 August 1996
Decision CRTC 96-589


Various locations in Ontario
Administrative renewals
For administrative reasons, the Commission renews the broadcasting licences for the cable distribution undertakings listed in the appendix to this decision, from 1 September 1996 to 31 December 1996, subject to the terms and conditions in effect under the current licences.
These administrative renewals are granted solely because the Commission is not in a position to rule on the licence renewal applications before the expiry of the term of the current licences. It does not in any manner dispose of the licence renewal applications, nor of any relevant matters before the Commission in connection with these applications. The Commission will dispose of the applications, and all other relevant matters in connection with the applications, in subsequent decisions.
This decision is to be appended to each licence.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General
Licensee/Titulaire Location/Endroit
 UMG Cable Telecommunications Inc. Cobourg, Port Hope and surrounding
areas/et les régions avoisinantes
 Mountain Cablevision Limited Parts of Hamilton and surrounding area/
Secteurs de Hamilton et la région
avoisinante and/et Caledonia, Cayuga,
Dunnville, Hagersville, Mount Hope
and/et Binbrook
 Southmount Cable Limited Part of/Secteur de Hamilton and/et
part of the Township of Glanbrook/
secteur du canton de Glanbrook

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