ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 94-933
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Decision |
Ottawa, 19 December 1994 | |
Decision CRTC 94-933 | |
Pelmorex Communications Inc. | |
Pembroke, Renfrew and Arnprior, Ontario - 940202500 | |
Conversion of CHVR and its transmitters to FM |
Following a Public Hearing in the National Capital Region beginning on 18 August 1994, the Commission approves the application by Pelmorex Communications Inc. for a broadcasting licence for an English-language (Group I) FM radio programming undertaking to serve the above-noted communities, on the frequency 96.7 MHz, channel 244C, with an effective radiated power of 100,000 watts. | |
The Commission will issue an FM licence expiring 31 August 1999, subject to the conditions specified in this decision and in the licence to be issued, upon surrender of the current licence for CHVR Pembroke, CHVR-1 Renfrew and CHVR-2 Arnprior. The licence term granted herein, while less than the maximum of seven years permitted under the Broadcasting Act, will enable the Commission to consider the renewal of this licence in accordance with the Commission's regional plan and to better distribute the workload within the Commission. | |
Upon implementation, the FM station will operate in a single-station market as defined in Public Notice CRTC 1993-121 entitled "Local programming Policy for FM Radio - Definition of a Single-Station Market". In accordance with the policy outlined in the above-noted public notice, the new FM station is excluded from the policy requirements respecting local programming and advertising for commercial FM stations operating in markets served by more than one private commercial station, as outlined in Public Notice CRTC 1993-38 dated 19 April 1993. Consequently, the FM station may solicit and accept local advertising, irrespective of the amount of local programming that it broadcasts. | |
The licensee indicated that the conversion to the FM band is neces-sary in order to overcome a decline in audience and revenues, due in part to the increasing penetration of Ottawa-based FM radio stations. The licensee indicated that the improved quality and greater range of the FM signal is expected to address the problem of audience erosion and repatriate listeners from out-of-market stations. | |
The Commission reaffirms the particular importance it attaches to the development of Canadian talent and is satisfied with the annual budgets and the initiatives proposed by the licensee in this respect. The Commission reminds the licensee that it will be expected to submit a report outlining the implementation of the benefits approved in Decisions CRTC 90-676 and 90-1053 at the end of the five-year benefit period. It encourages the licensee, during the new licence term, to continue its efforts towards the support, development and on-air exposure of local and regional talent. | |
In Public Notice CRTC 1992-59 dated 1 September 1992 and entitled "Implementation of an Employment Equity Policy", the Commission announced that the employment equity practices of broadcasters would be subject to examination by the Commission. It encourages the licensee to consider employment equity issues in its hiring practices and in all other aspects of its management of human resources. | |
It is a condition of licence that the applicant adhere to the guidelines on gender portrayal set out in the Canadian Association of Broadcasters' (CAB) "Sex-Role Portrayal Code for Television and Radio Programming", as amended from time to time and approved by the Commission. | |
It is also a condition of licence that the applicant adhere to the provisions of the CAB's "Broadcast Code for Advertising to Children", as amended from time to time and approved by the Commission. | |
This approval is subject to the requirement that construction of the transmitting facilities be completed and that they be in operation within twelve months of the date of this decision or, where the licensee applies to the Commission within this period and satisfies the Commission that it cannot complete the construction and commence operations before the expiry of this period and that an extension is in the public interest, within such further periods of time as are approved in writing by the Commission. | |
Should construction not be completed within the twelve-month period stipulated in this decision or, should the Commission refuse to approve an extension requested by the licensee, the authority granted shall lapse and become null and void upon expiry of the period of time granted herein or upon the termination of the last approved extension period. | |
The Commission has noted the intervention submitted in support of the application as well as the concerns express therein and is satisfied with the licensee's response to these concerns. | |
Allan J. Darling Secretary General |
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