ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 94-428

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Ottawa, 15 July 1994
Decision CRTC 94-428
Wells Best Seniors Association
Wells, British Columbia - 932378300
Acquisition of assets
Following a Public Hearing in Saskatoon beginning on 6 June 1994, the Commission approves the application for authority to acquire the assets of the radiocommunication distribution undertaking serving Wells, from Kingsford Leasing Ltd., and for a broadcasting licence to continue the operation of this undertaking.
The Commission will issue a licence to Wells Best Seniors Association, expiring 31 August 1999, upon surrender of the current licence. The licence will be subject to the same conditions as those in effect under the current licence, as well as to any other condition specified in the licence to be issued.
The price of the transaction is $21,024. Based on the evidence filed with the application, the Commission has no concerns with respect to the availability or the adequacy of the required financing.
This undertaking distributes, in encrypted mode, the programs of CHAN-TV Vancouver, CITV-TV Edmonton and CHCH-TV Hamilton, received via satellite.
The Commission also approves the application to amend the licence by adding the authorization to distribute, in encrypted mode, the following programming services:
Source/ Channel/ Transmitter Power/
Source Canal Puissance d'émission
Television Services/Services de télévision
CBC Northern Television Service/ 9 5
Service de télévision du Nord de la SRC
Open Learning Agency (Knowledge Network) 11 5
Radio Service/Service de radio
Frequency/Channel Effective Radiated Power/
Fréquence/canal Puissance apparente rayonnée
CBC English-language Stereo
(FM) network/réseau de la 98.1 MHz/ 30
Radio anglaise stéréo (FM) 251LP
de la SRC
The Department of Communications has advised that the radio transmitter will have an effective radiated power of 30 watts rather than 10 watts, as had been indicated in CRTC Notice of Public Hearing 1994-6 dated 8 April 1994.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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