ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 93-20

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Ottawa, 18 January 1993
Decision CRTC 93-20
Telemedia Communications Ontario Inc.
London, Ontario - 920525300CHLO Radio LimitedSt. Thomas, Ontario - 913036000
Following a Public Hearing in the National Capital Region beginning on 21 September 1992, the Commission approves the application by Telemedia Communications Ontario Inc. (Telemedia) to amend the broadcasting licence for CIQM-FM London, by changing the frequency from 103.1 MHz (channel 276) to 97.5 MHz (channel 248), by increasing the effective radiated power from 9,000 to 50,000 watts, and by relocating the transmitter to a site approximately 9.6 kilometres southwest of the existing site.
The Department of Communications (DOC) has advised the Commission that this application is conditionally technically acceptable, and that an amendment to the Broadcasting Certificate will only be issued once it has been determined that the proposed technical parameters will not create any unacceptable interference with aeronautical NAV/COM services.
In accordance with subsection 22(1) of the Broadcasting Act, the Commission will only issue the licence amendment, and the authority granted herein may only be implemented, at such time as written notification is received from the DOC that its technical requirements have been met, and that an amendment to the Broadcasting Certificate will be issued. The Telemedia application was technically mutually exclusive with an application by CHLO Radio Limited (CHLO Radio), licensee of CHLO St. Thomas, which also requested the use of the frequency 97.5 MHz formerly assigned to the CKO Radio Partnership for use in London. The competing CHLO Radio application is accordingly denied.
Having given consideration to the technical situation faced by CHLO Radio, the Commission considers that the best possible use of the 97.5 MHz frequency is to enhance the position of an existing London station within the London market. The Commission notes in this regard that the changes approved herein will, among other things, improve the quality of the CIQM-FM signal coverage in the London area, and also extend service to provide full coverage of the counties of Perth, Huron and Oxford.
In approving Telemedia's application, the Commission has also taken into account the fact that the frequency to be vacated by CIQM-FM may prove to be suitable for use by CHLO St. Thomas.
The Commission notes the intervention in opposition to the CHLO Radio application submitted by Middlesex Lambton Communications Corporation, licensee of CJBK and CJBX-FM London.
The Commission also acknowledges the numerous interventions received in support of both the Telemedia and the CHLO Radio applications.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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