ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 92-710

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Ottawa, 16 September 1992
Decision CRTC 92-710
Houston-Smithers Rebroadcasting Society
Smithers and Telkwa, British Columbia - 920166600
Following a Public Hearing in the National Capital Region held on 14 July 1992, the Commission approves the application for a licence to carry on a radiocommunication distribution undertaking consisting of one low-power radio transmitter to serve Smithers and Telkwa.
The Commission will issue a licence to Houston-Smithers Rebroadcasting Society, expiring 31 August 1996, subject to the conditions specified in this decision and in the licence to be issued. This term will enable the Commission to consider the renewal of this licence at the same time as that of similar undertakings in the area.
This undertaking will distribute, in non-encrypted mode, the programs of the CBC Northern Radio Service, received via satellite, on the frequency 88.1 MHz, with an effective radiated power of 23 watts.
The Department of Communications has advised that the undertaking will have an effective radiated power of 23 watts rather than 11.5 watts, as had been indicated in CRTC Notice of Public Hearing 1992-9 dated 14 May 1992.
The Commission notes that this undertaking is incorporated without share capital as a not-for-profit organization whose structure provides for membership, management, and operation primarily by members of the community at large. It is a condition of licence that the applicant ensure, to the satisfaction of the Commission, that the signals it transmits in non-encrypted mode are not receivable with acceptable technical quality within the authorized service area or service contours of any currently authorized neighbouring subscription-based distribution undertaking.
It is a condition of licence that construction of this undertaking be completed and that it be in operation within twelve months of the date of this decision or, where the applicant applies to the Commission within this period and satisfies the Commission that it cannot complete implementation before the expiry of this period and that an extension is in the public interest, within such further period of time as is approved in writing by the Commission.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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